我找不到在任何地方更改它的方法,CodeRush 将前景色设置为非常浅的灰色,在我的显示器的白色背景上几乎无法读取。当变量名(以及未使用的方法参数和 using 指令)如此简单时,很难阅读代码。
I can't find a way to change that anywhere and CodeRush sets the foreground color to a very light gray that is nearly unreadable on my monitor's white background. It is hard to read the code when variable names (as well as unused method parameters and using directives) are this light.
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Visual Studio 配置对话框中提供了各种选项,例如不同代码问题类型的颜色下划线。从主 IDE 窗口中,转到“工具”|“选项...,然后是环境 |字体和颜色。在“显示项目:”列表中,您可以找到死代码项目。对于该项目,您可以更改“项目前景”和“项目背景”颜色属性。
请在此处查看更多详细信息:CodeRush 代码问题配置和选项
The options, such as colors of the different code issue types underlining, are available inside the Visual Studio configuration dialog. From the main IDE window, go to Tools | Options…, then Environment | Fonts and Colors. In the “Display items:” list, you can find the Dead Code item. For this item, you can change the “Item foreground” and “Item background” color properties.
See more details here: CodeRush Code Issues configuration and options