如何创建和创建在 acrobat PDF 中使用 javascript 将嵌套 OCG/图层附加到父级?

发布于 2025-01-06 03:33:30 字数 10513 浏览 6 评论 0原文

我发帖的一半原因是在这里放一些对其他人有用的东西,因为网上几乎没有关于 PDF OCG/图层的好东西,但我还需要一些帮助才能使其正常工作。 90% 好,还需要完成 10%。

我有一个图层/OCG 列表,我希望其中一些可以嵌套。我想关闭整个组。我可以通过分成 2 个以上数组并将我想要嵌套的列表插入到基本列表中来嵌套层/OCG。



如果我知道如何正确创建数据,或者如何设置父 OCG,


方式安装此脚本: c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Javascripts


示例 PDF 为 此处 767k 下载到本地查看图层。

RSCivilTools by Andrew Binning
Version 01, 2-15-2012
//Some code by:
// InDesign Fixups by Dave Merchant  - Creative Commons Share-alike license
// version 02, November 2010
// http://www.uvsar.com/go/indesignfixups

//create new submenu for the Acrobat 8/9 or X menus
//Determine version, assign menu location
var menuParent = (app.viewerVersion<10)? "DocumentProcessing":"Edit";
//Add the menu
app.addSubMenu({ cName:"RSCivilTools", cUser:"RSCivil Tools", cParent:menuParent, nPos:((app.viewerVersion<10)? 0:7) });
//Create a nested layer (tailored code for my specific Document.
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCcreateNest", cUser:"Create Nest", cParent:"RSCivilTools", 
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:0 });
//Promote sub layers - Unravel the nests
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCpromote", cUser:"Undo Nest", cParent:"RSCivilTools",
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:1 });
//Unlist Guides and Grids layer (from Adobe IN-Design)
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCremGAG", cUser:"Unlist 'Guides and Grids'", cParent:"RSCivilTools",
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:2 });
//Set up layers ( this is tailored code for my specific Document)
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCsetStates", cUser:"Set Layers", cParent:"RSCivilTools",
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:3 });
//Toggle this list of layers on and off (tailored code for my specific Document.
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCtoggleCityLimits", cUser:"Toggle City Limits", cParent:"RSCivilTools",
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:4 });
//Link to the company website         
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCsite", cUser:"Website", cParent:"RSCivilTools", 
          cExec:"app.launchURL('http://rscivil.com');", nPos:5 });

//Add a button for this function - Add from Quick Tools 3rd party addons
        cName: "RSCcreateNestButton",
        cExec: "createNest();",
        cTooltext: "Create Nest",
        cEnable: true,
        nPos: 0,
        cLabel: "Create Nest"
//Add a button for this function - Add from Quick Tools 3rd party addons
        cName: "promoteLayers",
        cExec: "promoteOCG_handler(event.target);",
        cTooltext: "Undo Nest",
        cEnable: true,
        nPos: 1,
        cLabel: "Undo Nest"


//Creates a nested layer from a predetermined list
function createNest(){
    var layers = this.getOCGs();
    var newOrder = new Array();
    var cityLimits = new Array();
    var comps = new Array();

    This is where I need help.
    By not setting the first element to a String it does not name the group. Instead it seems to attach it as a child to the previous element in the array.
    This is fine, except that when you turn off said parent it does not turn off the sub layers/OCGs.
    If I could figure out how to create an object and set it up as an element before my inserted array it might help.
    //Commented for testing - Set first element of the array to a descriptive string (this will be the name of the nested group) 
    //cityLimits[0] = "City Limits";
    //Set first element of the array to a descriptive string (this will be the name of the nested group)
    comps[0] = "Comps";

    //Separate all layers/OCGs containing "CityLimits|" or "COMP" from the original list of layers/OCGs
    for (var i=0,j=0,k=0,l=1; i<layers.length; i++){
            cityLimits[j] = layers[i];  //separate CityLimits OCG
        else if(layers[i].name.substr(0,4)==="COMP"){
            comps[l] = layers[i];   //separate COMP OCG
            newOrder[k] = layers[i];    //cram everything else into a new array
    //Insert the cityLimits array into the newOrder array at position 5, do not remove any elements (the element before this arbitrarily becomes the parent, but does not work correctly)
    //Append the comps array to the end of the newOrder array
    newOrder[newOrder.length] = comps;
    //set the newOrder array as the OCGOrder.
//Code by Dave Merchant
//Handler for promoting OCGs out of nested layers
function promoteOCG_handler(oDoc) {

  var ocgOrder = oDoc.getOCGOrder();
  var hasNest = false;

  if (ocgOrder==null) {
    app.alert( "No layers in current file", 0, 0, "Cannot proceed");
  } else {
    for (var i=0; i<ocgOrder.length; i++) {
       if ((typeof(ocgOrder[i]) == "object") && (ocgOrder[i].length > 0)) hasNest = true;
    if (hasNest)  {
    } else app.alert( "No nested layers in current file", 0, 0, "Cannot proceed");
//Code by Dave Merchant
//Promote/unravel layers/OCG out of nests
function promoteOCGs(oDoc,ocgOrder) {

  // Removes the top-level OCG nest structure from a PDF, promoting all sub-OCGs to the top level.
  // Used to remove the nesting created when a PDF is exported from InDesign with "Create Acrobat Layers" checked.

  var oChk = { cMsg:"Unlist the 'Guides and Grids' layer?", bInitialValue:true, bAfterValue:false};

  //var cMesg = "This action will ungroup all nested layers. IT CANNOT BE UNDONE.\n\nDo you want to continue?";
  //var nRtn = app.alert({ cMsg:cMesg, nIcon:2, nType:2, cTitle:"Promote nested layers", oCheckbox:oChk});
  //if (nRtn == 4) {

    var newOrder = new Array();

    for (var i=0; i<ocgOrder.length; i++) {

     var oType = typeof(ocgOrder[i]);
     var oLeng = ocgOrder[i].length
     if ((oType == "object") && (oLeng > 0)) {      // it's a nest, do the promotions

        for (var j=0; j<oLeng; j++) {
           if ((typeof(ocgOrder[i][j]) == "object") && 
              (!oChk.bAfterValue || (ocgOrder[i][j].name != "Guides and Grids"))) newOrder.push(ocgOrder[i][j]);

     } else if (!oChk.bAfterValue || (ocgOrder[i].name != "Guides and Grids")) newOrder.push(ocgOrder[i]);
    oDoc.setOCGOrder( newOrder );

//Code by Dave Merchant
// Removes the listing for (sub)OCG named "Guides and Grids".
// Does NOT delete the layer, simply hides it from the sidebar display.
function removeGAG(oDoc) {
  var cMesg = "This action will unlist the 'Guides and Grids' layer from the sidebar but will NOT delete the ";
  cMesg += "layer itself. IT CANNOT BE UNDONE.\n\nDo you want to continue?";
  var nRtn = app.alert(cMesg, 2, 2, "Unlist 'Guides and Grids'");
  if (nRtn == 4) {

    var ocgOrder = oDoc.getOCGOrder();
    var newOrder = new Array();

    for (var i=0; i<ocgOrder.length; i++) {

     var oType = typeof(ocgOrder[i]);
     var oLeng = ocgOrder[i].length
     if ((oType == "object") && (oLeng > 0)) {      // it's a nest

        var subObj = new Array();
        for (var j=0; j<oLeng; j++) {
           if ((typeof(ocgOrder[i][j]) == "string") || (ocgOrder[i][j].name != "Guides and Grids")) subObj.push(ocgOrder[i][j]);

     } else if (ocgOrder[i].name != "Guides and Grids") newOrder.push(ocgOrder[i]);
    oDoc.setOCGOrder( newOrder );

//Just a list of layers I want to toggle on or off (document specific)
function togList(name){
        return true;
    return false;
//Just a list of layers I want to set an initial state to off (document specific)
function offList(name){
    var lOff =  new Array();
    lOff[0] = "ADT";
    lOff[1] = "CityLimits|1900";
    lOff[2] = "CityLimits|1910";
    lOff[3] = "CityLimits|1920";
    lOff[4] = "CityLimits|1930";
    lOff[5] = "CityLimits|1940";
    lOff[6] = "CityLimits|1950";
    lOff[7] = "CityLimits|1960";
    lOff[8] = "CityLimits|1970";
    lOff[9] = "CityLimits|1975";
    lOff[10] = "CityLimits|1980";
    lOff[11] = "CityLimits|1985";
    lOff[12] = "CityLimits|1990";
    lOff[13] = "CityLimits|1995";
    lOff[14] = "CityLimits|2000";
    lOff[15] = "CityLimits|2005";
    lOff[16] = "CityLimits|2006";
    lOff[17] = "CityLimits|2007";
    lOff[18] = "CityLimits|2008";
    lOff[19] = "CityLimits|2009";
    lOff[20] = "CityLimits|2010";
    lOff[21] = "CityLimits|2011";
    lOff[29] = "Distance Circles 1";
    lOff[30] = "Distance Circles 2";
    lOff[31] = "landuse|Agriculture";
    lOff[32] = "landuse|Industrial";
    lOff[33] = "Landmark Labels Locations";
    lOff[34] = "landmarks|Locations";

    for (var i=0; i<lOff.length; i++){
        if(lOff[i] === name)
            return true;
    return false;

//Checks all layers against a list and toggles them off or on (document specific)
function toggleCityLimits(){
   var layers = this.getOCGs();
    for (var i=0; i<layers.length; i++){
        var tog = true;
                tog = false;
            layers[i].state = tog; //toggle layer

//Checks all layers against a list and sets the initial state and current state to off (state=visibility) (document specific)
function setStates(){
   var layers = this.getOCGs();
    for (var i=0; i<layers.length; i++){
        var tog = true;
            tog = false;
        layers[i].state = tog;      //turn off layer
        layers[i].initState = tog;  //set initial visibilty to off

Half of my reason for posting is to put something on here that can be useful for others, as there is next to nothing good online about PDF OCGs/Layers, but I also need some help getting this to work right. 90% good, still need 10% to be done.

I have a list of layers/OCGs, I want some of them to be nested. I want to turn off the group as a whole. I can nest layers/OCGs by separating into 2+ arrays and inserting the list I want nested into the base list.

If the first element of the nested array is a String, it creates a group in a tree structure. I can click the '+' to open and close the group, but there is no "eye" box to turn visibility on or off for the group.

If the first element is not a string, it just uses the previous element in the array as the parent, complete with folder Icon and visibility "eye" to click, but while clicking the "eye will turn of the parent layer/OCG, it will not turn off the underlying nested layers/OCGs.

This may be fixed if I knew how to create data correctly. Or perhaps how to set a parent OCG.

Any ideas?

Install this script by placing in:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Javascripts

It will create a menu item under Edit, or Document->Edit

An example PDF is here 767k
Download locally to see layers.

RSCivilTools by Andrew Binning
Version 01, 2-15-2012
//Some code by:
// InDesign Fixups by Dave Merchant  - Creative Commons Share-alike license
// version 02, November 2010
// http://www.uvsar.com/go/indesignfixups

//create new submenu for the Acrobat 8/9 or X menus
//Determine version, assign menu location
var menuParent = (app.viewerVersion<10)? "DocumentProcessing":"Edit";
//Add the menu
app.addSubMenu({ cName:"RSCivilTools", cUser:"RSCivil Tools", cParent:menuParent, nPos:((app.viewerVersion<10)? 0:7) });
//Create a nested layer (tailored code for my specific Document.
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCcreateNest", cUser:"Create Nest", cParent:"RSCivilTools", 
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:0 });
//Promote sub layers - Unravel the nests
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCpromote", cUser:"Undo Nest", cParent:"RSCivilTools",
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:1 });
//Unlist Guides and Grids layer (from Adobe IN-Design)
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCremGAG", cUser:"Unlist 'Guides and Grids'", cParent:"RSCivilTools",
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:2 });
//Set up layers ( this is tailored code for my specific Document)
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCsetStates", cUser:"Set Layers", cParent:"RSCivilTools",
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:3 });
//Toggle this list of layers on and off (tailored code for my specific Document.
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCtoggleCityLimits", cUser:"Toggle City Limits", cParent:"RSCivilTools",
          cEnable:"event.rc = (event.target != null);", nPos:4 });
//Link to the company website         
app.addMenuItem({ cName:"RSCsite", cUser:"Website", cParent:"RSCivilTools", 
          cExec:"app.launchURL('http://rscivil.com');", nPos:5 });

//Add a button for this function - Add from Quick Tools 3rd party addons
        cName: "RSCcreateNestButton",
        cExec: "createNest();",
        cTooltext: "Create Nest",
        cEnable: true,
        nPos: 0,
        cLabel: "Create Nest"
//Add a button for this function - Add from Quick Tools 3rd party addons
        cName: "promoteLayers",
        cExec: "promoteOCG_handler(event.target);",
        cTooltext: "Undo Nest",
        cEnable: true,
        nPos: 1,
        cLabel: "Undo Nest"


//Creates a nested layer from a predetermined list
function createNest(){
    var layers = this.getOCGs();
    var newOrder = new Array();
    var cityLimits = new Array();
    var comps = new Array();

    This is where I need help.
    By not setting the first element to a String it does not name the group. Instead it seems to attach it as a child to the previous element in the array.
    This is fine, except that when you turn off said parent it does not turn off the sub layers/OCGs.
    If I could figure out how to create an object and set it up as an element before my inserted array it might help.
    //Commented for testing - Set first element of the array to a descriptive string (this will be the name of the nested group) 
    //cityLimits[0] = "City Limits";
    //Set first element of the array to a descriptive string (this will be the name of the nested group)
    comps[0] = "Comps";

    //Separate all layers/OCGs containing "CityLimits|" or "COMP" from the original list of layers/OCGs
    for (var i=0,j=0,k=0,l=1; i<layers.length; i++){
            cityLimits[j] = layers[i];  //separate CityLimits OCG
        else if(layers[i].name.substr(0,4)==="COMP"){
            comps[l] = layers[i];   //separate COMP OCG
            newOrder[k] = layers[i];    //cram everything else into a new array
    //Insert the cityLimits array into the newOrder array at position 5, do not remove any elements (the element before this arbitrarily becomes the parent, but does not work correctly)
    //Append the comps array to the end of the newOrder array
    newOrder[newOrder.length] = comps;
    //set the newOrder array as the OCGOrder.
//Code by Dave Merchant
//Handler for promoting OCGs out of nested layers
function promoteOCG_handler(oDoc) {

  var ocgOrder = oDoc.getOCGOrder();
  var hasNest = false;

  if (ocgOrder==null) {
    app.alert( "No layers in current file", 0, 0, "Cannot proceed");
  } else {
    for (var i=0; i<ocgOrder.length; i++) {
       if ((typeof(ocgOrder[i]) == "object") && (ocgOrder[i].length > 0)) hasNest = true;
    if (hasNest)  {
    } else app.alert( "No nested layers in current file", 0, 0, "Cannot proceed");
//Code by Dave Merchant
//Promote/unravel layers/OCG out of nests
function promoteOCGs(oDoc,ocgOrder) {

  // Removes the top-level OCG nest structure from a PDF, promoting all sub-OCGs to the top level.
  // Used to remove the nesting created when a PDF is exported from InDesign with "Create Acrobat Layers" checked.

  var oChk = { cMsg:"Unlist the 'Guides and Grids' layer?", bInitialValue:true, bAfterValue:false};

  //var cMesg = "This action will ungroup all nested layers. IT CANNOT BE UNDONE.\n\nDo you want to continue?";
  //var nRtn = app.alert({ cMsg:cMesg, nIcon:2, nType:2, cTitle:"Promote nested layers", oCheckbox:oChk});
  //if (nRtn == 4) {

    var newOrder = new Array();

    for (var i=0; i<ocgOrder.length; i++) {

     var oType = typeof(ocgOrder[i]);
     var oLeng = ocgOrder[i].length
     if ((oType == "object") && (oLeng > 0)) {      // it's a nest, do the promotions

        for (var j=0; j<oLeng; j++) {
           if ((typeof(ocgOrder[i][j]) == "object") && 
              (!oChk.bAfterValue || (ocgOrder[i][j].name != "Guides and Grids"))) newOrder.push(ocgOrder[i][j]);

     } else if (!oChk.bAfterValue || (ocgOrder[i].name != "Guides and Grids")) newOrder.push(ocgOrder[i]);
    oDoc.setOCGOrder( newOrder );

//Code by Dave Merchant
// Removes the listing for (sub)OCG named "Guides and Grids".
// Does NOT delete the layer, simply hides it from the sidebar display.
function removeGAG(oDoc) {
  var cMesg = "This action will unlist the 'Guides and Grids' layer from the sidebar but will NOT delete the ";
  cMesg += "layer itself. IT CANNOT BE UNDONE.\n\nDo you want to continue?";
  var nRtn = app.alert(cMesg, 2, 2, "Unlist 'Guides and Grids'");
  if (nRtn == 4) {

    var ocgOrder = oDoc.getOCGOrder();
    var newOrder = new Array();

    for (var i=0; i<ocgOrder.length; i++) {

     var oType = typeof(ocgOrder[i]);
     var oLeng = ocgOrder[i].length
     if ((oType == "object") && (oLeng > 0)) {      // it's a nest

        var subObj = new Array();
        for (var j=0; j<oLeng; j++) {
           if ((typeof(ocgOrder[i][j]) == "string") || (ocgOrder[i][j].name != "Guides and Grids")) subObj.push(ocgOrder[i][j]);

     } else if (ocgOrder[i].name != "Guides and Grids") newOrder.push(ocgOrder[i]);
    oDoc.setOCGOrder( newOrder );

//Just a list of layers I want to toggle on or off (document specific)
function togList(name){
        return true;
    return false;
//Just a list of layers I want to set an initial state to off (document specific)
function offList(name){
    var lOff =  new Array();
    lOff[0] = "ADT";
    lOff[1] = "CityLimits|1900";
    lOff[2] = "CityLimits|1910";
    lOff[3] = "CityLimits|1920";
    lOff[4] = "CityLimits|1930";
    lOff[5] = "CityLimits|1940";
    lOff[6] = "CityLimits|1950";
    lOff[7] = "CityLimits|1960";
    lOff[8] = "CityLimits|1970";
    lOff[9] = "CityLimits|1975";
    lOff[10] = "CityLimits|1980";
    lOff[11] = "CityLimits|1985";
    lOff[12] = "CityLimits|1990";
    lOff[13] = "CityLimits|1995";
    lOff[14] = "CityLimits|2000";
    lOff[15] = "CityLimits|2005";
    lOff[16] = "CityLimits|2006";
    lOff[17] = "CityLimits|2007";
    lOff[18] = "CityLimits|2008";
    lOff[19] = "CityLimits|2009";
    lOff[20] = "CityLimits|2010";
    lOff[21] = "CityLimits|2011";
    lOff[29] = "Distance Circles 1";
    lOff[30] = "Distance Circles 2";
    lOff[31] = "landuse|Agriculture";
    lOff[32] = "landuse|Industrial";
    lOff[33] = "Landmark Labels Locations";
    lOff[34] = "landmarks|Locations";

    for (var i=0; i<lOff.length; i++){
        if(lOff[i] === name)
            return true;
    return false;

//Checks all layers against a list and toggles them off or on (document specific)
function toggleCityLimits(){
   var layers = this.getOCGs();
    for (var i=0; i<layers.length; i++){
        var tog = true;
                tog = false;
            layers[i].state = tog; //toggle layer

//Checks all layers against a list and sets the initial state and current state to off (state=visibility) (document specific)
function setStates(){
   var layers = this.getOCGs();
    for (var i=0; i<layers.length; i++){
        var tog = true;
            tog = false;
        layers[i].state = tog;      //turn off layer
        layers[i].initState = tog;  //set initial visibilty to off

如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。



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烈酒灼喉 2025-01-13 03:33:30

Acrobat 中显示的图层树(上面的代码构建的内容)不一定与 PDF 页面中定义的图层内容树相匹配。
页面内容中的 PDF 图层定义如下:

/OC /layerid /BDC

在页面内容中,您可以并排放置 2 个图层:

/OC /layer1id /BDC
/OC /layer2id /BDC

但在 Acrobat 的图层窗格中,您可以将图层 2 作为图层 1 的子图层,因为 /Order定义此层次结构的数组独立于页面内容。
为了使 Layer2 在隐藏 Layer1(其父级)时自动隐藏,必须在页面内容中这样定义它们:

/OC /layer1id /BDC
/OC /layer2id /BDC

Layer2 的内容必须物理包含在 Layer1 中。
出现您的问题是因为页面内容中的所有图层都是并排构建的,而不是子父级的,并且更改 /Order 数组不会影响页面内容。
我看到的解决方案,虽然我对 Adob​​e Acrobat JavaScript 不是很熟悉,而且我不知道是否可行,但它是将一个 JavaScript 函数附加到每个父层,该函数在层可见性发生变化时执行,并且也改变了所有子层的可见性。

The tree of layers displayed in the Acrobat (what your code above builds) does not necessarily match the tree of layers content defined in the PDF page.
A PDF layer inside the page content is defined like this:

/OC /layerid /BDC

In the page content you can have 2 layers side-by-side:

/OC /layer1id /BDC
/OC /layer2id /BDC

but in the layers pane in Acrobat you can have layer2 as a child of layer1 because the /Order array where this hierarchy is defined is independent of the page content.
In order for the layer2 to be hidden automatically when layer1 (its parent) is hidden, they have to be defined like this in the page content:

/OC /layer1id /BDC
/OC /layer2id /BDC

The content of layer2 must be physically included in layer1.
Your problem appears because all the layers in the page content are built as side-by-side, not as child-parent and changing the /Order array does not affect the page content.
The solution I see, although I'm not very familiar with Adobe Acrobat JavaScript and I do not know if it is possible, is to attach a JavaScript function to each parent layer, function that is executed when the layer visibility changes and change also the visibility of all child layers.

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