Raven DB 的文件系统是否已加密?
我只是想确定 Raven DB 使用的文件系统上的文件是否加密?有人可以打开文件系统上的文件并将它们直接从二进制转换为 ASCII,还是加密的?
我试图说服我们的管理层尝试一下 RavenDB,但他们对安全性感到担忧。他们给出的例子是,您不能只打开 MS SQL 数据库文件,将其从二进制转换为 ASCII,然后读取它。所以我想验证 RavenDB 是否也阻止了这种事情?
I'm just trying to determine if the files on the filesystem used by Raven DB are encrypted or not? Can someone just open the files on the filesystem and convert them from binary to ASCII directly, or are they encrypted?
I am trying to convince our management to give RavenDB a shot, but they have concerns about security. They gave the example that you can't just open up an MS SQL db file, convert it from binary to ASCII, and read it. So I am trying to verify if RavenDB prevented that kind of thing as well?
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回答你的问题:不,你不能只用记事本打开 ravens 数据文件夹中的任何文件并期望看到有意义的内容。因此,对于那些不知道如何编程的人来说,是的,它们是加密的。
为了说服您的管理层,您可以告诉他们 raven 使用与 Microsoft Exchange Server 相同的加密算法。如果他们想更深入地挖掘,那就叫 Esent。
Well, personally I think that your management sucks if they come up with such straw-man arguments.
To answer your question: No, you can't just open any file inside ravens data folder with Notepad and expect to see something meaningful. So, for the ones that don't know how to program, yes they are encrypted.
To convice your management you can tell them that raven uses the same encryption algorithm as Microsofts Exchange Server does. If they want to dig deeper - it's called Esent.
RavenDb 存储未加密。可以用记事本打开,看到一些数据。同时我也不认为 MS SQL 默认情况下会加密文件。
RavenDb storage is not encrypted. You can open it with notepad and see some pieces of data. At the same time I do not think that MS SQL encrypts files by default either.
RavenDB 在 2012 年中期添加了加密功能。获取 RavenDB 的“bundle:encryption”,然后确保您的密钥在 .NET 配置文件或其他文件中正确加密。
http://ravendb.net/docs/article-page/3.0 /csharp/server/bundles/加密
http://ayende.com/blog/157473/awesome -ravendb-当日加密功能
RavenDB added encryption in mid-2012. Get RavenDB's “bundle:encryption” and then make sure your key is properly encrypted in the .NET config file or whatever.
SQL Server 2008确实具有加密功能,但您需要预先准备数据库实例以启用它,然后创建启用加密的数据库,然后存储数据。
使用 RavenDB,您可以勾选该框并开始使用! (尽管我不知道将备份移动到另一台机器并恢复它们的复杂性)。
如果您可以直接访问数据库的文件,那么游戏就结束了。 加密是你的最后一道防线。
[我不认为黑客会在记事本中打开 40GB 文件..那太愚蠢了:-)]
然后,您必须通过 RDP 进入计算机或通过 Active Directory 远程连接到其文件系统,以便只有少数人可以访问它 - 可能是 IT 支持和数据库管理员。作为管理员,他们应该在组织内受到审查和信任(通过信息安全治理框架)。
SQL Server 2008 does have encryption, but you need to prepare the DB instance beforehand to enable it, then create the DB with encryption enabled and then store data.
If you haven't, you could just copy the DB off the machine and open it in a tool that does have access to it.
With RavenDB, you can tick the box and off you go! (although I do not know the intricacies of moving backups to another machine and restoring them).
In relation to the point your management made, this is a relatively pointless argument.
If you had access directly to the file of a DB, it's game over. Encryption is your very last line of defence.
[I don't think hackers are going to be opening a 40GB file in Notepad .. thats just silly :-)]
So instead of ending up at the worst case, you have to look at the controls you can implement to even get to that level of concern.
You need to work out how would someone even get to that file (and the costs associated with all of the mitigation techniques):
Physical Access
Restricting direct access to a server mitigates stealing it. You have to think about all of the preventative controls (door locks, ID cards, iris scanners), detective controls (alarm systems, CCTV) and how much you want to spend on that.
Hence why cloud computing is so attractive!
Access Controls
You then have to get onto the machine via RDP or connect remotely to its file system via Active Directory, so that only a select few could access it - probably IT support and database administrators. Being administrators, they should be vetted and trusted within the organisation (through an Information Security Governance Framework).
If you also wanted to reduce the risk even further, maybe implement 2 Factor Authentication like banks do, so that even knowing the username and password doesn't get you to the server!
Then there's the risk of employees of your company accessing it - legitimately and illegitimately. I mean why go to all of the trouble of buying security guards, dogs and a giant fence when users can query it anyway! You would only allow certain operations on certain parts of the data.
In summary ... 'defence in depth' is how you respond to it. There is always a risk that can be identified, but you need to consider the number of controls in place, add more if the risk is too high. But adding more controls to your organisation in general makes the system less user friendly.