是否有一个框架可以让开发 Mac 应用程序感觉更像开发 iOS 应用程序?
Mac 版 Twitter 背后的天才 Loren Brichter 曾经说过,他围绕 Cocoa / App Kit 构建了一个包装器,因此感觉更像 UIKit。不幸的是,我再也找不到我听到的资源了。
尽管我已经开发 iOS 应用程序几年了,但我在构建一个简单的 Mac 应用程序方面遇到了很多困难。
是否有包装器或框架让 iOS 开发人员感觉 AppKit 更自然? 是否有针对 iOS 应用程序开发人员的 Mac 应用程序开发书籍?
Loren Brichter, the genius behind Twitter for Mac, once said that he has built a wrapper around Cocoa / App Kit so that it felt more like UIKit. Unfortunately I can't find the resource anymore where I heard that.
I'm struggling a lot trying to build a simple Mac app although have been developing iOS apps for a couple of years.
Are there wrappers or frameworks which make AppKit feel more natural to iOS developers?
Are there books for developing Mac apps, targeted at iOS app developers?
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TwUI 对我来说是新的,但 IconFactory(顺便说一句,它让 Twitteriffic)发布了 http://chameleonproject.org/范围大致相同。
TwUI was new to me, but IconFactory (who, incidentally, make Twitteriffic) have released http://chameleonproject.org/ with much the same scope.
也许这意味着: https://github.com/twitter/twui
这里有一篇文章涵盖TwUI: http://engineering.twitter.com/2011/07/starting-today-twitter-is-offering-twui.html
Maybe this one is meant: https://github.com/twitter/twui
And here an article covering TwUI: http://engineering.twitter.com/2011/07/starting-today-twitter-is-offering-twui.html