YSlow 规则“不要在 HTML 中缩放图像”背后的基本原理是什么?
我在 YSlow 中遇到了这条用于提高性能的规则,该规则表示图像不应该在 HTML 中调整大小。他们没有提到这条规则的任何具体原因。任何想法
I have come across this rule in YSlow for performance improvement that says that images should not be resized in HTML. They haven't mentioned any specific reason for this rule. Any ideas
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较大的图像不好,因为除了浪费带宽之外,两个同时 HTTP 连接的限制意味着浏览器在下载图像时将无法加载其他组件,因此您的 JavaScript 或其他内容可能需要更长的时间来处理。
此外,客户端重新缩放图像的处理时间将使用 CPU 周期并减慢页面渲染速度。在您可能认为的快速桌面上还不错,但对页面加载时间的感知甚至可能受到 1/10 秒的影响(请参阅第 5 点 此处 - 100 毫秒 = 亚马逊销售额损失 1%)。移动设备将因必须调整大小而受到更严重的影响,因为它们的处理器不那么强大。
YSlow 的全部问题是,用户对速度的感知 90% 与客户端的处理有关,而不是来自服务器的加载时间,这就是为什么他们对此如此挑剔。
较小的图像在调整大小时也会浪费 CPU,而且还会看起来像素化,因此也很糟糕。
Bigger images are bad because as well as wasting bandwidth, the limit of two simultaneous HTTP connections means that a browser will not be able to load other components whilst the image is being downloaded, so your JavaScript or whatever may take a lot longer to get processed.
Additionally, the processing time on the client end to rescale that image will use CPU cycles and slow down page rendering. Not so bad on a fast desktop you might think, but perceptions of page loading time can be influenced by even 1/10th of a second (see point 5 here - 100ms = 1% lost sales for Amazon). Mobile devices will be even more seriously impacted by having to resize like this as their processors are not so powerful.
The whole thing with YSlow is that 90% of the user's perception of speed is about the processing on the client end, not the load time from the server, which is why they get so persnickety about this.
Smaller images will also waste CPU when they are resized, and will additionally look pixellated, so bad for that reason too.
显然他们还没有听说过视网膜屏幕……如果你想要视网膜分辨率的图像,它需要是像素大小的 2 倍。因此,如果您有一个以 100x100 像素显示的图像,则它需要为 200x200 像素才能在视网膜屏幕上看起来清晰。但是,您不应该将其设置得比这个更大。
Apparently they haven't heard of retina screens... if you want a retina resolution image it needs to be 2x the size in pixels. So if you have an image that is displayed in 100x100px it needs to be 200x200px to look sharp on a retina screen. You should however not make it any bigger than this.
There are a number of techniques to detect if the user has a retina screen and only load the larger image when he/she has that.
So for me it also doesn't make sense to set a general rule that "Images shouldn't be scaled" without exception(s)..
A higher resolution image will not only look bad when scaled down by a browser, it also consumes unnecessary bandwidth.
Read the description under the title:
The rationale is that if you are going to scale down an image, why not just use a smaller image in the first place?
It doesn't mention scaling up, but I wouldn't recommend that either because although you would have a smaller image to load, it would not look very good once scaled up. It can be worth experimenting though, as if you're happy with the loss of quality you can achieve decent savings on the file size.
主要原因是,如果您显示 60x40 的图像,则不需要更重的 600x400 图像。
The main reason is that if you display an image in 60x40, you won't need a 600x400 image which is heavier.
In general:
Really you should consider it but in some cases it's better to resize image by browser than have a lot of images or prepare it on the server side.