我有一个包含 n 个图像引用的 plist。 我想做的就是抓住每个孩子并将其加载到 UIImageView 中,然后将其添加到启用分页的 UIScrollView 中。
- 我有 n 张图像。可能只有 3 个,但也可能有 60 个或更多。
- 每个图像都具有相当大的分辨率 (1152x1536),因为它是可缩放的。
我读到了有关 CATiledLayer 的内容,并看到了 PhotoScroller 示例,但我想避免使用 CATiledLayer,因为它在显示图像片段时会创建淡入淡出,而在我的项目中,该效果不适合。
UIImage * image;
UIImageView * imageview;
for (int i = 0; i < [data count]; i++)
image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",
[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath],
[[data objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"content"]]];
[content addObject:image];
imageview = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: [content objectAtIndex:i] ];
[imageview setTag:i+10];
imageview.frame = CGRectMake(1024 * i, 0, 1024, 768);
[scroll addSubview: imageview];
[imageview release];
[image release];
[scroll setContentSize:CGSizeMake(1024*[data count], 768)];
例如,当我尝试加载 60 张图像时,该代码使应用程序收到内存警告。
Well, memory management makes me crazy!
Here's my problem:
I have a plist with n references to images.
What I'm just trying to do is grab each child and load it to an UIImageView wich is added to a UIScrollView with paging enabled.
My problems:
- I have n images. Could be only 3, but could be 60 or more.
- Each image have a considerable resolution (1152x1536) because it's zoomable.
I read about CATiledLayer, and saw the PhotoScroller sample, but I want avoid using CATiledLayer because it creates a fadein while showing the pieces of the image, and in my project that effect don't fit.
I'm just want hear your opinion, how do you usually solve this kind of tasks?
I will leave here a piece of my code:
UIImage * image;
UIImageView * imageview;
for (int i = 0; i < [data count]; i++)
image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",
[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath],
[[data objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"content"]]];
[content addObject:image];
imageview = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: [content objectAtIndex:i] ];
[imageview setTag:i+10];
imageview.frame = CGRectMake(1024 * i, 0, 1024, 768);
[scroll addSubview: imageview];
[imageview release];
[image release];
[scroll setContentSize:CGSizeMake(1024*[data count], 768)];
This code make the app receive a memory warning when I try to load 60 images for instance.
I think you get the idea, right?
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help in advance!
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如果你想避免内存问题,你不应该一次性加载它们,只有在需要的时候才加载它们。要实现此目的,您可以按照苹果提供的示例 在这里。
If you want to avoid memory problems, you should not load them all at once, only when they are needed. To accomplish this, you could just follow the example provided by apple, here.
Basically, what you do is load only three images: the one that is showing right now and the ones that are placed to the right and to the left. Then, when you scroll, let's say to the right, you remove the one that was previously on the left side and place a new image at the right end.