在阅读 /Users/jorgen/Desktop/isengua-en-de_120125/Airship/UI/Default/Subscription/Resources/Shared/[电子邮件受保护] pngcrush 捕获 libpng 错误:
但是,它无法读取的实际文件发生了变化。我已经检查过它在那里并且可以打开。它始终是 Airship 文件,但可以在 Push、StoreFront 或 Subscriptions 中。
警告:iPhone/iPod Touch:isengua_ENE-DE_114+.png:图标尺寸 (0 x 0) 不符合尺寸要求。图标文件必须为 57x57 像素,.png 格式 (-19014)
无法验证您的申请。 -(空)
Retina 的图标是 114x114,另一个是 57x57。我再次检查并仔细检查了这一点。
I have a strange problem in my project and can't figure out a way to fix it.
It manifest itself when I Archive the project. If I just build it, all is OK.
This is the error I get...
While reading /Users/jorgen/Desktop/isengua-en-de_120125/Airship/UI/Default/Subscription/Resources/Shared/[email protected] pngcrush caught libpng error:
Read Error
However the actual file that it can't read changes. I have checked that it there and that it can be opened. It is always the Airship files, but it can be in Push, StoreFront or Subscriptions.
Also in the same project I have a problem with the icon.
warning: iPhone/iPod Touch: isengua_ENE-DE_114+.png: icon dimensions (0 x 0) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 57x57 pixels, in .png format (-19014)
Unable to validate your application. - (null)
The icon for Retina is 114x114 and the other is 57x57. Again I have checked and double checked this.
I have gone back to a copy I had two weeks ago, and the same thing happens.
Grateful for any help.
简单修复只需删除文件并重新导入即可。 2个文件不会有什么大麻烦。
您还可以查看您的 info.plist 和/或您的副本捆绑资源,并确认所有内容都指向正确的文件。
If it only happens when you archive then the error happens when attempting to package/move all the files required into the the archive folder. Building just pulls from the referenced location.
Easy fix is just remove the files and re-import. 2 files would no be a big hassle.
Also you could peek at your info.plist and/or your copy bundle resources and confirm that everything points to the right files.
我检查资源文件夹,即不是 www 文件夹,因此:
在该文件夹中应该有相同的 Default.png 和 [电子邮件受保护] 位于您的 www 文件夹中。
当我检查它们时,它们是phonegap默认值。我用 www 文件夹中的副本替换了它们。进行了清理和构建,终于成功了!
None of the answers worked for me but this did.
I check in the resources folder i.e. not the www folder, so:
in that folder there should be a copy of the same Default.png and [email protected] that are in your www folder.
when i checked they were the phonegap defaults. I replaced them with a copy of mine from the www folder. Did a clean and a build and it finally worked!