DVCS 与 Android 开发集成得很好吗?
我和另外两个人正在合作开发 Android 平台的应用程序,并希望使用 DVCS 来管理我们的工作。 由于我们三个都使用 Windows 系统,因此我们决定使用 Mercurial 及其 Eclipse 插件。但当我浏览网络上的一些文章时,我遇到了该插件的一些麻烦,例如克隆项目不被识别为 Android 项目。 虽然这些问题很容易解决,但是是否有任何 DVCS 可以与 Eclipse 上的 Android 开发很好地集成,甚至可能是为像我们这样的小团队量身定制的?
I along with two others are collaborating to develop apps for the Android platform and want to use DVCS to manage our work.
Since all three of us are on Windows systems, we decided to go with Mercurial and its Eclipse plugin. But as I was going through some articles on around the web, I came across some hassles with the plugin such as cloned projects not being recognised as Android projects.
Though such problems can be easily fixed, are there any DVCSs that integrate well with Android development on Eclipse, maybe even tailored for a small team like ours?
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我在使用 subclipse(eclipse 的 subversion)和 android 项目时遇到的问题几乎为零。它甚至可以很好地管理外部库。
I have virtually zero problems using subclipse (subversion for eclipse) and android projects. It even manages with external libraries well.