如何在 VS 2010 代码片段中创建参数
您好,我想创建一个 Visual Studio 代码片段,我可以将其预定义值...
<Timeline AutoPlay="$True|FALSE$">
<CodeSnippets xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/CodeSnippet">
<!-- Add Header information here -->
<!-- Add additional Snippet information here -->
<ToolTip>Replace with a SQL connection string.</ToolTip>
<Default>"SQL connection string"</Default>
<ToolTip>Replace with a connection object in your application.</ToolTip>
<Code Language="CSharp">
daCustomers = new SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter();
selectCommand = new SqlClient.SqlCommand($SqlConnString$);
daCustomers.SelectCommand = selectCommand;
daCustomers.SelectCommand.Connection = $SqlConnection$;
Hi I would like to create a Visual Studio snippet that I can have predefined values to...
for instance
<Timeline AutoPlay="$True|FALSE$">
Is there a way to do this?
Is there a tag other than Default that will allow me to add possible values?
<CodeSnippets xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/CodeSnippet">
<!-- Add Header information here -->
<!-- Add additional Snippet information here -->
<ToolTip>Replace with a SQL connection string.</ToolTip>
<Default>"SQL connection string"</Default>
<ToolTip>Replace with a connection object in your application.</ToolTip>
<Code Language="CSharp">
daCustomers = new SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter();
selectCommand = new SqlClient.SqlCommand($SqlConnString$);
daCustomers.SelectCommand = selectCommand;
daCustomers.SelectCommand.Connection = $SqlConnection$;
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听起来您想在 Visual Studio Snippet 中替换宏。不幸的是,这实际上是不可能的。 Visual Studio 代码片段仅支持极少量的替换宏,并且用户无法控制它们。
It sounds like you want macro replacement in a Visual Studio Snippet. Unfortunately this is not really possible. Visual Studio snippets only support a very small number of replacement macros and they are not user controllable.
问:如何在 Visual Studio 中执行 X?
答:使用 ReSharper。
I hate when it happens to me, but here we go:
Q: How do I do X in Visual Studio?
A: Use ReSharper.
in your case "Code Templates".