在 PostgreSQL 中提供版本化行的好方法是什么?如何查询它们?
id BigSerial, PRIMARY KEY
version Integer
text Text
origin BigInt
1,0,"My Text, first Version",null
2,1,"My Text, second Version",1
3,0,"My 2nd Text v1",null
4,1,"My 2nd Text v2",3
I want to store different versions of different texts and other data in a table. For the texts, my table looks like this:
id BigSerial, PRIMARY KEY
version Integer
text Text
origin BigInt
Now I want to store different versions of texts in this table like this:
1,0,"My Text, first Version",null
2,1,"My Text, second Version",1
3,0,"My 2nd Text v1",null
4,1,"My 2nd Text v2",3
I don't know yet how to query for the row with the highest version number for each set of texts.
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Bigserial ID 号没有任何用处。
每个 id 的版本数。
每个 id 的当前版本。
The Bigserial id number serves no useful purpose.
Number of versions for every id.
Current version for every id.
Although I wrote that with a common table expression, you probably want to create a view of current versions. I'd think most applications that access this data will need the current version.
Temporal tables extension might help, if you don't want to roll your own that is...
由于并非所有文本集都可以以相同的速率获得新版本,因此没有真正的方法可以对版本号进行断言,而无需同时涉及 id 和源。
因此,您可以将“我是否具有最高版本号”的问题改写为“是否没有其他行以我的 id 作为其起源”。如果没有其他行,那么这是您的最新行,您可以返回结果。您可以使用类似以下查询的方式来完成此操作:
生成的连接表中,descendant.id 为 null 的唯一行是最新的行。请注意,父代和子代都是来自同一个表的别名。这就是所谓的“自连接”,当您将分层数据(如版本控制机制)存储在单个表中时,可以很方便地执行此操作。
Since not all of the set of texts may get new versions at the same rate, there's no real way of making an assertion on version number that won't have to involve both the id and the origin.
For instance, to know that "5" is the latest version of a particular text set, you'll have to establish that there is no version "6". The way to do that is to see if there is a row with a version "6" that has an origin to the row with version "5". But this just reduces to finding a row that has no other row claiming it as an origin point; you don't need the version number.
So, you can rephrase the question of "do I have the highest version number" as "is there no other row that has my id as its origin". If there is no other row, then this is your newest row, and you can return your result. You can accomplish this with something like the following query:
The only rows in the resulting joined table where descendant.id will be null are the ones that are the newest. Notice that both parent and descendants are aliased from the same table. This is what is known as a "self-join", and is handy to do when you have hierarchical data (like your versioning mechanism) stored within a single table.
It is worth noting, though, that this only finds the newest version for you. If you want to know which version this is, then you will definitely benefit from having your version column. Otherwise, you will end up having to do a recursive query, since you won't know the depth of your version list up front. No one likes writing those.
Hope this helps.