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Closed 10 years ago.
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您可以使用著名的 JSDoc-Toolkit 来实现此目的。
You can use famous JSDoc-Toolkit for that.
And yes it also has command line options.
JSDoc 是一种从带注释的 JavaScript 生成文档的方法。有很多变体:
全部从命令行运行。根据您的工具偏好进行选择。我喜欢 Node.js,因为它的速度和全时 JavaScript 的感觉。 DailyJS“让我们制作一个框架”关于编写文档的帖子描述了这些工具和其他工具;不幸的是,自编写以来,dox 被彻底修改为仅输出 JSON 结构。 提到了其他 JavaScript 文档生成器。
JSDoc is an approach to generating documentation from commented JavaScript. There are many variations:
All run from the command line. Choose according to your tooling preferences. I like node.js for its speed and all-JavaScript-all-the-time feel. The DailyJS "Let's Make a Framework" post on writing documentation describes these and other tools; unfortunately dox was radically overhauled to just output JSON structures since that was written. mentions other JavaScript documentation generators.