带有 Tumblr 分享按钮的 Google 社交互动分析?
有人知道如何通过 Tumblr 分享按钮使用 Google 社交互动分析吗? (托管在我的 Wordpress 博客上)
我已经为 Facebook 和 Twitter 完成了此操作(即: http:// Visualise.ca/anne-au-cherry)
PS:Pinterest 按钮怎么样? ;-)
Does someone knows how to use Google Social Interaction Analytics with the Tumblr share button? (which is hosted on my Wordpress blog)
I've done it for Facebook and Twitter (i.e: http://visualise.ca/anne-au-cherry)
There is no information about in google's docs : http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/tracking/gaTrackingSocial.html
P.S.: What about the Pinterest button? ;-)
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Tumblr 分享按钮没有任何完成分享的回调。然而,它只是到另一个页面的链接。因此,您可以简单地向其添加点击跟踪:
Pinterest Pin It 按钮位于 iframe 中,没有 JS API,没有点击跟踪,没有“on pin”回调。所以,你在跟踪方面迷失了方向。
The Tumblr Share button doesn't have any callbacks for completing the share. However, its just a link to another page. So, you can trivially add click-tracking to it:
The Pinterest Pin It button is in an iframe, has no JS API, no click tracking, no "on pin" callback. So, you're lost there in terms of tracking.