Web 框架下拉框的最佳实践(ASP.NET MVC / ROR / 任何东西)
目前我即将使用此列表中的第三个答案 如何在 ASP.NET MVC 中从枚举创建下拉列表?
I'm trying to work out a best practice for building drop down boxes for values that need to bind to values in a database.
Currently I am about to use the 3rd answer from this list How do you create a dropdownlist from an enum in ASP.NET MVC?
But then I was thinking if I bind strongly against the Enum, and then want to change the order of the items, or add new items, I'll need to make sure the order of the enum isn't actually the value being stored in the db, and have to have a binding layer of some kind.
Does anyone have the definitive way to work with drop down lists that relate to a db?
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就我个人而言,我避免在视图模型中使用枚举。它们不能很好地与 ASP.NET MVC 配合使用。因此,如果我需要在其中一个视图中呈现下拉列表,我会在相应的视图模型上定义 2 个属性:
Personally I avoid using enums in my view models. They don't play well with ASP.NET MVC. So if I need to render a dropdown list in one of my views I define 2 properties on my corresponding view model:
that are populated in my controller action from the database and in the view:
Have a strongly typed view model for the list with a partial view to match. Have an action in a controller which fills the view model and then returns it to the view. Wherever you want to use the dropdown, insert the partial view in your view.
I'm a fan of using an extension method for this task:
Within your controller you select the data that you wan't to represent as items within a drop down. Note, in this example I'm selecting cities from the db:
And the actual drop down within the view: