如何使用 SQL Server sysschedules 模型查询给定日期的所有事件?
给定此模型:sysschedules,并假设数据库中有多个事件具有不同的重复模式组合:每天一次、每三天一次、每周二一次。每 2 周、每月 28 日、每月每 2 个月的第二个星期二、每年 2 月 28 日等等...
- freq_type 获取事件是否为每日、每周、每月等...
- freq_interval 确定间隔,根据 freq_type
- freq_relative_interval 确定事件是否位于
- freq_recurrence_factor 月份的第 1、第 2、第 3 等,以确定事件发生之间的每周/每月间隔
如果我想查询今天(2012 年 2 月 28 日星期二)的所有事件。 ..那会是什么样子?
更新 这是我到目前为止所想到的(在这个例子中,我想要 2 月 28 日(星期二)发生的所有“事件”: SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE (freq_type = 1 && active_start_date = '2012-02-28') OR (freq_type = 4) OR (freq_type = 8 && freq_interval = 4) OR (freq_type = 32 && 频率间隔 = 3 & freq_relative_interval = 16)
- freq_type 为 1 表示只有一次,在 active_start_date 之前获取
- freq_type 为 4 表示每天,获取所有这些事件,因为它们也发生在这一天
- freq_type 为 8 表示每周,在 freq_interval 4 上获取这些事件(星期二)
- freq_type 为 32 表示每月,相对 - freq_interval 3(星期二),最后的 freq_relative_interval 16
1。如果是每周但超过一天(包括星期二)的事件呢?例如,每周二/周四发生的每周事件的 freq_interval 为 20。我将如何重写上面的查询以考虑周二可能的 freq_interval 的所有可能组合?
Given this model: sysschedules, and assuming there were several events in the DB with varying combinations of recurrence patterns: daily, daily every 3 days, weekly on Tues. every 2 weeks, monthly on the 28th, monthly on the second Tues of every 2 months, yearly on Feb 28th, etc...
With the model given, there are certain fields that immediately jump to mind:
- freq_type to get whether the even is daily, weekly, monthly, etc...
- freq_interval to determine the interval, based on the freq_type
- freq_relative_interval to determine if events are on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc... of month
- freq_recurrence_factor to determine the weekly/monthly spacing between event occurrences
If I wanted to query for all events that are today, Tuesday 28 Feb, 2012... what would that look like?
Here's what I've come up with so far (in this example I want all "events" that occur on Feb 28 (which is a Tues):SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE (freq_type = 1 && active_start_date = '2012-02-28') OR (freq_type = 4) OR (freq_type = 8 && freq_interval = 4) OR (freq_type = 32 && freq_interval = 3 && freq_relative_interval = 16)
- freq_type of 1 means it's only once, get by the active_start_date
- freq_type of 4 means daily, get all those since they'd occur on this day too
- freq_type of 8 means weekly, get those events on freq_interval 4 (Tues)
- freq_type of 32 means monthly, relative - freq_interval 3 (Tues), freq_relative_interval 16 for last
Here's what immediately jumps to mind as "wrong"
1. What about events that are weekly, but more than one day, including Tuesday? For example, a weekly event which occurs every Tues/Thurs, will have a freq_interval of 20. How would I rewrite the query above to account for all possible combinations of freq_interval which can be Tues?
2. What about events which occur every n weeks/months? How do I know if it's this week/month's "on or off" time-frame?
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系统表 sysjobschedules 包含有关作业运行时间和日期/的信息下次运行的时间。您也许可以使用它来查找作业在特定日期何时运行。
我从页面的SQL Server代理作业执行信息部分找到了此信息查询 SQL Server 代理作业信息
MSDN 页面底部还有一些社区内容,提供了从整数获取日期时间的 UDF,您可以使用它来解码日期。
将在这些日子运行。如果您有兴趣,我可以发布表设计和存储过程。The system table sysjobschedules contains information about when a job ran and the date/time when it will next run. You might be able to use that to find when a job will run on a particular day.
It's not without problems; the dates are stored as integers and need converting before they are useful and the information is updated only after the jobstep completes. So you would only get back results for the jobs which have executed at least once.
I found this information from the SQL Server Agent Job Execution Information section of the page Querying SQL Server Agent Job Information
There is also some community content on the bottom of the MSDN page giving a UDF to get a datetime from integer which you can use to decode the dates.
After thinking about your problem, and realising you are trying to replicate the
model and not just use it, I thought I should update my answer.You asked :
I creating a table with the bit mask values for the days and then joined that to the schedule table
Here is the result for a schedule running on Tuesday and Thursday:
However, the difficult part is extrapolating the dates going forward to get all the future Tuesdays and Thursdays with month intervals. That's an exercise I'll leave to you :)
I've previously created a simplified schedule system which you might be able to use to provide a solution almost as good. You can simulate a schedule which executes on Tuesday & Thursday by having multiple schedule entries, grouped in some way.
My schedule design included an
field which indicated the day of the week when the schedule was allowed to run, so ajob
referring to more than one schedule would run on those days. I can post the table design and stored procedures if you are interested.有一个名为 sp_get_schedule_description 的过程,它将以可读格式返回时间表。
所有过程的参数都可以在 sysschedules 表中找到
因此,例如,我创建了一个名为“My Schedule1”的时间表,其中包含以下信息:
如果我将这些值放入 sp_get_schedule_description 中,
以下信息 :可读格式的计划:
there is a procedure called sp_get_schedule_description that will return the schedule on a readable format.
All the procedure's parameters can be found on the sysschedules table
So, for example, I created a Schedule called "My Schedule1" that has the following information:
if I run
that will give me
if I put these values into sp_get_schedule_description like this:
Ill get the schedule on a readable format:
problem is that it take one schedule at a time, so you would need to come up with some sort of loop to call it once per job putting the description in a temp table ofr example and the you query the temp table with your parameters
like on 1:
无法完全测试。这并没有涵盖所有可能性。例如,如果某个事件每 3 天发生一次,则需要对日期和天数等进行一些计算。
Wasn't able to fully test. This doesn't cover every possibility. For instance, if an event happens every 3 days, some calculating will need to be done for the the dates and days, etc.