Magento - 更新catalog.xml
我正在尝试更新 magento 主题(主题名称为 Blank_seo),并且我正在尝试将产品页面默认模板更改为 3 列。我尝试更新 app/design/frontend/default/blank_seo/layout/catalog.xml 文件。但到目前为止没有任何效果。 我找到的唯一解决方案是手动将“页面布局”下拉框更改为 3 列。如果有人有更简单/更快的方法来执行此操作(或者我的catalog.xml 编辑不起作用的原因),我将非常感激!
I'm trying to update a magento theme (the theme name is blank_seo), and i'm trying to change the product page default template to 3 columns. I've tried updating the app/design/frontend/default/blank_seo/layout/catalog.xml file. but so far nothing is working.
The only solution that i've found is manually changing the 'Page Layout' dropbox to 3 columns. If anyone has a simpler/quicker way of doing this (or a reason why my editing of catalog.xml doesn't work), I'd be extremely thankful!
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只需查看我的代码,我就可以毫无问题地执行此操作,您要更改catalog.xml 文件的哪一部分?它应该是
Just looking at the code I have, I have been able to do this without any issue, which part of the catalog.xml file are you changing? It should be the
element like so:I have a custom template set up in my system for the product page, as you can see.
Also, make sure you refresh your cache and check your logs to ensure you are not missing any errors.