在设备上运行 TweetStation iPhone 应用程序时收到内存警告 - monotouch
由于我无法理解为什么当我在设备上运行我的应用程序时收到这么多内存警告(在 iPod Touch 上的调试模式下),我想上传 TweetStation 应用程序(再次调试模式),因为我很好奇看到结果。令我惊讶的是,输出非常相似,抛出了很多内存警告,最终崩溃了! (参见屏幕截图)它可能与我的应用程序无关,而与完全不同的东西有关吗?感谢您的帮助...
Since I couldn't make sense with why I receive so many memory warning (in Debug mode on iPod Touch) when I run my app on the device, I thought upload the TweetStation app (Debug mode again) instead as I was curious to see the results. To my surprise, the output was very similar in that a lot of memory warning were thrown and eventually it crashed! (see screenshot) Has it maybe nothing to do with my app whereas more to do with something completely different? Thanks for your help....
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嗯,TweetStation 几乎没有释放它所使用的内存。它执行的唯一主动内存处理是针对图像,但一般来说,它不会尝试释放与任何推文显示列表关联的任何内存。
Well, TweetStation does very little to release the memory it uses. The only active memory disposal it performs is for images, but in general, it does not try to release any of the memory associated with any of the tweet display lists.