Take the number of calculations. Find the number of FP (40% of total) and non-FP calculations (whatever's left or in this case 60%). Multiply each by their clock cycles and add up the clock cycles. To find time you need to multiply clock cycles times the amount of time it takes to do one clock (HINT: use 400MHz to do this).
取计算次数。求 FP 的数量(总数的 40%)和非 FP 计算的数量(无论剩下什么,在本例中为 60%)。将每个乘以它们的时钟周期并将时钟周期相加。要找到时间,您需要将时钟周期乘以完成一个时钟所需的时间(提示:使用 400MHz 来完成此操作)。
Take the number of calculations. Find the number of FP (40% of total) and non-FP calculations (whatever's left or in this case 60%). Multiply each by their clock cycles and add up the clock cycles. To find time you need to multiply clock cycles times the amount of time it takes to do one clock (HINT: use 400MHz to do this).