将键盘快捷键(复制、粘贴等)重新映射为 Alt 键而不是 Ctrl
有趣的是,事实证明这几乎是不可能做到的。重新映射 ALT 键以充当另一个 CTRL 键并不是解决方案,因为您会丢失 ALT 键功能(其中一些功能是必需的,例如 < kbd>AltTab)。
那么我怎样才能获得类似于 OSX 的行为,其中 CMD 键用于键盘快捷键(但也用于使用 CMDTAB 在窗口之间切换) ?
我知道在将 ALT 键重新映射为 CTRL 键后,我可以指定 CTRLTab 在窗口之间切换。但随后我在某些应用程序中失去了真正的 CTRLTAB 功能,这些功能也很重要,例如在选项卡之间切换。基本上我的 CTRL 和 ALT 键将成为相同的键,并且这两个修饰键不可能有两组不同的快捷键。
对我来说一个好的解决方案可能是捕获 ALTC, ALTV, ALT X 等,在窗口管理级别发送 CTRLC 或CTRLV 或 CTRLX 等到聚焦窗口。在 Windows 上,这可以通过 AutoHotKey 实现。
在 Linux 上,我听说过一个名为 AutoKey 的应用程序,但与 AutoHotKey 不同的是,您必须使用 GUI 来设置快捷键。由于我将手动编写几乎所有 Alt 组合,因此我不希望 GUI 应用程序执行此操作。我应该能够通过编写文本文件来配置它。
是否可以使用 Gnome 或 Xmonad 来实现这一目标?
Interestingly, it turns out this is almost impossible to do. Remapping ALT key to behave as another CTRL key is not a solution because you lose the ALT key functionalities (some of which are essential, like AltTab).
So how can I get a behavior similar to OSX where CMD key is used for keyboard shortcuts (but also for switching between windows with CMDTAB)?
I know I can assign CTRLTab to switch between windows after I remap ALT key as a CTRL key. But then I lose the real CTRLTAB functionality in some applications, which are also essential like switching between tabs. Basically my CTRL and ALT keys would become the same key and it will be impossible to have two different set of shortcuts for these two modifier keys.
A good solution for me would probably be a way to catch ALTC, ALTV, ALTX, etc. at the window management level and send instead a CTRLC or CTRLV or CTRLX etc. to the focused window. On Windows this was possible via AutoHotKey.
On Linux, I heard about an application called AutoKey but unlike AutoHotKey you have to use a GUI to set the shortcuts. Since I will be writing almost all combinations of Alt manually, I don't want a GUI application do to this. I should be able to configure it by writing a text file.
Is it possible to achieve this either with Gnome or Xmonad?
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