使用 JavaScript 调整 SWF 大小
我的客户想要一个愚蠢的介绍页面,点击后,仓库的门会打开到仓库本身(重定向到网站)。我创建了一个 1920 x 1174 SWF,它就是这样做的。可以在此处查看。您会注意到,SWF 中包含仓库和天空的背景。只是一个小问题:有更好的方法吗?一种想法是从 SWF 中裁剪出天空并使动画变小,以便它可以在介绍页面上使用 CSS 居中。然后将背景图像设为天空。
我的大问题是调整大小。我(可能是无知的)假设是,如果我将 SWF 做得很大,则可以针对不同的分辨率缩小它并保持纵横比。
我已经在 www aleosoft com/flashtutorial_autofit.html 上尝试过这两种建议,但它们严重扭曲了我的 SWF(可以看到此处)。这是因为我的发布设置吗?
我转向 JavaScript 寻求一些答案。现在我正在将 swf 加载大小调整为屏幕宽度和高度,因为窗口内部高度和内部宽度也会扭曲纵横比。我希望它像 www aleosoft com/flashtutorial_autofitexample.html 一样工作,
var w = screen.width, h=screen.height;
document.write('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'">');
document.write('<param name="movie" value="movie.swf">');
document.write('<param name="scale" VALUE="exactfit">');
document.write('<embed src="movie.swf" width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'"></embed>');
我愿意使用对象/嵌入参数作为解决方案或 JavaScript。我不想使用 jQuery,但如果有必要我会使用。
My client wants a silly intro page where, onClick, doors to a warehouse open into the warehouse itself (redirect into the website). I created a 1920 x 1174 SWF that does just so. It can be seen here. As you will notice, the backdrop of the warehouse and sky are included in the SWF. Just a minor question: is there a better way to do that? One thought was to crop the sky out of the SWF and make the animation smaller so it could be centered with CSS on the intro page. Then make the background-image the sky.
My big problem is the resizing. My (possibly ignorant) assumption is that if I make the SWF really large, it can be scaled down for different resolutions and the aspect ratio kept.
I have tried both of the suggestions at www aleosoft com/flashtutorial_autofit.html and they wildly distort my SWF (which can be seen here). Is this because of my publishing settings?
I turned to JavaScript for somewhat of an answer. Right now I am resizing the swf onload to the screen width and height because window inner height and inner width also distort the aspect ratio. I would like for it to work like www aleosoft com/flashtutorial_autofitexample.html
var w = screen.width, h=screen.height;
document.write('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'">');
document.write('<param name="movie" value="movie.swf">');
document.write('<param name="scale" VALUE="exactfit">');
document.write('<embed src="movie.swf" width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'"></embed>');
I am open to using the object/embed parameters as a solution or JavaScript. I'd rather not use jQuery but I will if necessary.
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为了获得最佳质量,您应该使用 stage.fullScreenHeight 和 stage.fullScreenWidth 来确定窗口大小并处理窗口大小调整事件。
有一些 AS3 代码可以做到这一点(应该放在电影的第一帧):
在您的 xhtml 中,您可以:
To achieve best quality you should use
to determine window size and also handle window resizing event.Image and the picture of the building should be a separate movie clip.
There is some AS3 code to do that (should be put at the first frame of movie):
In your xhtml you can have:
This liquid layout is not probably the greatest solution for you, but you can use this to make text fit to the window. You can try to "make this building float" both sides can be filled with background. This is not true that if you make everything big that would make downscaled image better looking, that depends on a algorithm.
You can achieve better effect sticking to CSS and JavaScript. the doors can stay in SWF.
以下代码(不需要 javascript)不会变形(在 Firefox 10、Ubuntu;Firefox 4.0、Windows XP;IE 6 和 8、Windows Xp 上测试):
但是它似乎仍然无法在 MacOS 浏览器上运行(不确定它是否是Flash插件或浏览器问题)
The following code (no javascript needed) doesn't distort (tested on Firefox 10, Ubuntu; Firefox 4.0, Windows XP; IE 6 and 8, Windows Xp) :
However it seems still not working on MacOS browser (not sure whether it's a Flash plugin or browser issue)