我是 .Net 程序员,正在寻求扩展并可能在我当前和未来的 Web 应用程序中使用一些 Ruby。查看Iron Ruby 网站,最后一次发布是在大约一年前:2011 年 3 月 13 日。没有公告也已在其网站上发布。
- IronRuby 死了吗?
- 如果该项目失败了,是否有任何集成在 .Net 中的替代方案?
- 如果它还活着,它仍然是一个积极维护的项目吗?在哪里可以找到最新版本?
- 我是不是找错了树?我是否应该将 ruby 保留为 ruby,将 .Net 保留为 .Net,这两个独立的实体永远不会在同一个项目中相遇?
我最近在 stackoverflow 上看到有关 IronRuby 的问题,所以显然人们正在使用它。我不确定他们是否支持遗留应用程序或进行新的开发工作。
I am .Net programmer who is looking to branch out and possibly use some Ruby in my current and future web applications. Looking on the Iron Ruby Website the last release was nearly a year ago: March 13, 2011. No announcements have have been made on their website since that time either.
With all of this, a several questions come to mind:
- Is IronRuby Dead?
- If the project is dead, are there any alternatives that are integrated in .Net?
- If it's alive, is it still an actively maintained project? Where can I find the most recent release?
- Am I barking up the wrong tree? Should I leave ruby as just ruby and .Net as .Net, two separate entities never to meet in the same project?
I've seen questions regarding IronRuby on stackoverflow recently, so obviously folks are using it. I'm not sure if they're supporting legacy applications or doing new development work.
专业提示:开发人员讨厌发布公告。我们是反社会生物。 IronRuby 最后一次提交是在 5 天前(截至本文发布时)。所以它非常有活力。
Pro-tip: developers hate making announcements. We're antisocial creatures. IronRuby was last committed to 5 days ago (as of the time of this post). So it's very much alive.
我认为积极参与某个项目(实际提交补丁)的人数与该项目对社区的有用程度直接相关。不幸的是,自从该项目与 Microsoft 脱离后的一年里,并没有大量的人涌入 IronRuby。这要么意味着它对整个 .NET 社区并不重要,要么 .NET 社区宁愿使用它而不是帮助构建它。不管怎样,发展肯定已经放缓了。托马斯和我还有其他全职工作,没有其他人真正加紧努力,所以目前的发展速度是我们所预见的。当然,除非这能激励人们。 :)
如果 IronRuby 不适合您,请提交问题或GitHub 上的拉取请求。首选拉取请求。
I think the number of people who are actively working on a project (actually submitting patches) is directly related to how useful that project is to the community. Unfortunately, in the year since the project disconnected from Microsoft, there hasn't been a huge influx of people wanting to work on IronRuby. Either that means it's not important to the .NET community at large, or the .NET community rather use it than help build it. Either way, development has definitely slowed; Tomas and I have other full-time jobs, and no one else has really stepped up, so the current pace is of development is what we foresee. Unless of course this motivates people. :)
If IronRuby doesn't work for you, please submit an issue or a pull request on GitHub. Pull requests preferred.
至于问题1: http://evain.net/blog/articles/2010/08/07 /on-ironruby
“好消息是,IronPython、IronRuby 和 DLR 的代码都是开源的,并且最近已在 Apache2 许可证下重新获得许可。官方消息是, IronRuby 的命运现在掌握在社区手中。”
As for question 1: http://evain.net/blog/articles/2010/08/07/on-ironruby
"The good news is that the code of IronPython, IronRuby and the DLR is open source, and has recently been re-licensed under the Apache2 license. The official message is that IronRuby’s fate is now in the hands of the community."
So yes, it's abandomed by the developers. However the community keeps it 'alive'.
As for 2 and 3 I cannot really answer that but for 4:
I wouldn't see any problems as long as the two won't interfere with each other. Developing in multiple languages is nothing new nowadays. but choose wisely what you will use. Always try to compare things against your needs and preferences.
Update: I see the poster above/under me (lol?) found a link that it's still alive. Nice to see it is.
Didn't notice that!
NuGet中的包是从2011年开始的,Ruby前进到2.0+,他们没有显示任何新的进展,提交,尝试,任何东西。有人甚至将其移至 Github,但仅此而已,什么也没做。
所以现在它几乎已经死了,也许 Ruby 2 或 3 的未来会出现一些雄心勃勃的未来,但我非常怀疑它是否看到 BIG Dynamic、CLR 和 Roslyn 的发展,我可以理解为什么它们在程序员议程中失去了这么多空间。
更不用说F# 的未来了。
编辑:自做出答案以来发生的另一件事是:MS 将 Iron 语言转储到社区。
编辑2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IronRuby
It looks like so, we are in the end of 2014 and the work seems to be halted.
The package in NuGet is from 2011, Ruby moved forward into 2.0+ and they did not showed any new progress, commit, try, anything. Somebody even moved it to Github, but that was pretty much it, nothing was done.
So it's pretty much dead for now, maybe some ambitious future incoming for Ruby 2 or 3, but I pretty much doubt it seeing how BIG Dynamic, CLR and Roslyn are growing I can understand why they lost so much space in programmers agenda.
Not to mention F# future.
Edit: Another thing that changed from the time the answers were made is: MS dumped Iron languages to the community.
Edit2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IronRuby
Cited as Abandonware.
对于 Python,有刚刚发布的 Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)。它非常可靠,似乎是 IronPython 的当之无愧的继承者。
希望微软在不久的将来能够为 Ruby 开发类似的版本。
For Python, there's the just released Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS). It's pretty solid, and seems a worthy successor to IronPython.
Hopefully Microsoft will invest on a similar version for Ruby in the near future.
我上次检查时(现在,2020 年 2 月)https://github.com/ IronLanguages/main/tree/master/Languages/Ruby
上的最新消息仍然是 2011 年的。我想说,死如门钉
Last time I checked (now, Feb 2020) https://github.com/IronLanguages/main/tree/master/Languages/Ruby
Lastest commit is:
and here's a banner:
and there is no mention on the main
about changing mantainers or moving the repo anywhere.Also, latest news on
are still from 2011.I'd say, dead as a doornail