我读到可以通过使用 MIDI 文件哼唱来支持查询。有人可以告诉我如何做到这一点吗?
I read that one can support query by humming by using MIDI files. Can someone please give me an idea on how this can be done?
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如果您有权访问 IEEE 库:使用局部敏感哈希通过 midi 和音频的嗡嗡声进行查询
引用自 使用位置敏感哈希对 MIDI 和音频进行嗡嗡声查询,音频检索示例
If you have access to IEEE Library: Query by humming of midi and audio using locality sensitive hashing
Quoting from Query by Humming of MIDI and Audio Using Locality Sensitive Hashing, audio retrieval examples
[1] 王磊,黄沉,胡胜,梁家恩,徐博,一种基于多重相似性度量的蜂鸣系统查询的有效方法Fusion, ICALIP, 2008
[2] 王雷,黄沉,胡盛,梁家恩,徐波,基于特征融合、候选集约简和多重相似度测量重评分三种方法提高蜂鸣系统查询的搜索速度和准确性, INTERSPEECH,2008
[3] http://mirlab.org/dataSet/public/MIR-QBSH-corpus.rar
[4] http://www.esac-data.org/
Here is an open source query by humming system which support the midi for building song db: https://github.com/EmilioMolina/QueryBySingingHumming
and see the reference:
[1] Lei Wang, Shen Huang, Sheng Hu, Jiaen Liang, Bo Xu, An Effective and Efficient Method for Query by Humming System Based on Multi-Similarity Measurement Fusion, ICALIP, 2008
[2] Lei Wang, Shen Huang, Sheng Hu, Jiaen Liang, Bo Xu, Improving Searching Speed and Accuracy of Query by Humming System Based on Three Methods: Feature Fusion, Candidates Set Reduction and Multiple Similarity Measurement Rescoring, INTERSPEECH, 2008
[3] http://mirlab.org/dataSet/public/MIR-QBSH-corpus.rar
[4] http://www.esac-data.org/