
发布于 2025-01-04 09:00:23 字数 417 浏览 1 评论 0原文


def quickSort[T](xs: List[T])(p: (T, T) => Boolean): List[T] = xs match{
    case Nil => Nil
    case _ => 
         val x = xs.head
         val (left, right) = xs.tail.partition(p(_, x))
         val left_sorted = quickSort(left)(p)
         val right_sorted = quickSort(right)(p)
         left_sorted ::: (x :: right_sorted)


I wrote a recursive version:

def quickSort[T](xs: List[T])(p: (T, T) => Boolean): List[T] = xs match{
    case Nil => Nil
    case _ => 
         val x = xs.head
         val (left, right) = xs.tail.partition(p(_, x))
         val left_sorted = quickSort(left)(p)
         val right_sorted = quickSort(right)(p)
         left_sorted ::: (x :: right_sorted)

But I don't know how to change it into tail-recurisive. Can anyone give me a suggestion ?

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为你拒绝所有暧昧 2025-01-11 09:00:24


def quicksort[T](xs: List[T])(lt: (T,T) => Boolean) = {
  def qsort(todo: List[List[T]], done: List[T]): List[T] = todo match {
    case Nil => done
    case xs :: rest => xs match {
      case Nil => qsort(rest, done)
      case x :: xrest =>
        val (ls, rs) = (xrest partition(lt(x,_)))
        if (ls.isEmpty) {
          if (rs.isEmpty) qsort(rest, x :: done)
          else qsort(rs :: rest, x :: done)
        else qsort(ls :: List(x) :: rs :: rest, done)


Tail recursion requires you to pass work, both completed and work-to-do, forward on each step. So you just have to encapsulate your work-to-do on the heap instead of the stack. You can use a list as a stack, so that's easy enough. Here's an implementation:

def quicksort[T](xs: List[T])(lt: (T,T) => Boolean) = {
  def qsort(todo: List[List[T]], done: List[T]): List[T] = todo match {
    case Nil => done
    case xs :: rest => xs match {
      case Nil => qsort(rest, done)
      case x :: xrest =>
        val (ls, rs) = (xrest partition(lt(x,_)))
        if (ls.isEmpty) {
          if (rs.isEmpty) qsort(rest, x :: done)
          else qsort(rs :: rest, x :: done)
        else qsort(ls :: List(x) :: rs :: rest, done)

This is, of course, just a special case of trampolining as linked to by retronym (where you don't need to pass the function forward). Fortunately, this case is easy enough to do by hand.

星光不落少年眉 2025-01-11 09:00:24


以尾递归形式重写的快速排序 - Scala 中的示例


I just wrote this article which contains step by step instructions on how to convert the classic implementation of Quicksort to tail-recursive form:

Quicksort rewritten in tail-recursive form - An example in Scala

I hope you find it interesting!

抠脚大汉 2025-01-11 09:00:24

另一种使用 tailrec、模式匹配和隐式排序的版本:

  def sort[T](list: List[T])(implicit ordering: Ordering[T]): List[T] = {
    def quickSort(todo: List[List[T]], accumulator: List[T]): List[T] = todo match {
      case Nil => accumulator
      case head :: rest => head match {
        case Nil => quickSort(rest, accumulator)
        case pivot :: others =>
          others.partition(ordering.lteq(_, pivot)) match {
            case (Nil, Nil) => quickSort(rest, pivot :: accumulator)
            case (Nil, larger) => quickSort(larger :: rest, pivot :: accumulator)
            case (smaller, larger) => quickSort(smaller :: List(pivot) :: larger :: rest, accumulator)
    quickSort(List(list), Nil)

  val sorted = sort(someValues)
  val reverseSorted = sort(someIntValues)(Ordering[Int].reverse)

One more version using tailrec, pattern matching and implicit ordering:

  def sort[T](list: List[T])(implicit ordering: Ordering[T]): List[T] = {
    def quickSort(todo: List[List[T]], accumulator: List[T]): List[T] = todo match {
      case Nil => accumulator
      case head :: rest => head match {
        case Nil => quickSort(rest, accumulator)
        case pivot :: others =>
          others.partition(ordering.lteq(_, pivot)) match {
            case (Nil, Nil) => quickSort(rest, pivot :: accumulator)
            case (Nil, larger) => quickSort(larger :: rest, pivot :: accumulator)
            case (smaller, larger) => quickSort(smaller :: List(pivot) :: larger :: rest, accumulator)
    quickSort(List(list), Nil)

  val sorted = sort(someValues)
  val reverseSorted = sort(someIntValues)(Ordering[Int].reverse)
小傻瓜 2025-01-11 09:00:23


以下是如何使用 Scalaz 实现它。

object TrampolineUsage extends App {

  import scalaz._, Scalaz._, Free._

  def quickSort[T: Order](xs: List[T]): Trampoline[List[T]] = {
    assert(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace.count(_.getMethodName == "quickSort") == 1)
    xs match {
      case Nil =>
        return_ {
      case x :: tail =>
        val (left, right) = tail.partition(_ < x)
        suspend {
          for {
            ls <- quickSort(left)
            rs <- quickSort(right)
          } yield ls ::: (x :: rs)

  val xs = List.fill(32)(util.Random.nextInt())
  val sorted = quickSort(xs).run

  val (steps, sorted1) = quickSort(xs).foldRun(0)((i, f) => (i + 1, f()))
  println("sort took %d steps".format(steps))

当然,您需要一个非常大的结构或一个非常小的堆栈才能解决非尾递归分而治之算法的实际问题,因为您可以处理堆栈深度为 N 的 2^N 个元素。



scalaz.Trampoline< /code> 是(更)更通用的结构的特例,Free。它的定义为type Trampoline[+A] = Free[Function0, A]。实际上可以更通用地编写 quickSort,因此它由 Free 中使用的类型构造函数参数化。此示例展示了如何完成此操作,以及如何使用相同的代码使用堆栈、堆或并发进行绑定。

https://github .com/scalaz/scalaz/blob/scalaz-7/example/src/main/scala/scalaz/example/TrampolineUsage.scala

Any recursive function can be be converted to use the heap, rather than the stack, to track the context. The process is called trampolining.

Here's how it could be implemented with Scalaz.

object TrampolineUsage extends App {

  import scalaz._, Scalaz._, Free._

  def quickSort[T: Order](xs: List[T]): Trampoline[List[T]] = {
    assert(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace.count(_.getMethodName == "quickSort") == 1)
    xs match {
      case Nil =>
        return_ {
      case x :: tail =>
        val (left, right) = tail.partition(_ < x)
        suspend {
          for {
            ls <- quickSort(left)
            rs <- quickSort(right)
          } yield ls ::: (x :: rs)

  val xs = List.fill(32)(util.Random.nextInt())
  val sorted = quickSort(xs).run

  val (steps, sorted1) = quickSort(xs).foldRun(0)((i, f) => (i + 1, f()))
  println("sort took %d steps".format(steps))

Of course, you need either a really big structure or a really small stack to have a practical problem with a non-tail-recursive divide and conquer algorithm, as you can handle 2^N elements with a stack depth of N.



scalaz.Trampoline is a special case of a (much) more general structure, Free. It's defined as type Trampoline[+A] = Free[Function0, A]. It's actually possible to write quickSort more generically, so it is parameterized by the type constructor used in Free. This example shows how this is done, and how you can then use the same code to bind using the stack, the heap, or in concurrently.


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