android 开发人员
我有一个使用媒体播放器从 SD 卡播放音乐的应用程序。 在此应用程序中,我有一个搜索栏来指示正在播放的音乐。 搜索栏在线程中运行,并在播放音乐时更新。
如果按后退按钮,音乐仍然按我想要的方式播放。 但如果我再次单击该应用程序,搜索栏又回到 0。 这意味着所有实例都是新创建的。
当我按下后退按钮时,我应该做什么来保存媒体播放器的实例? 我应该在 onPause 和 onResume 上执行什么样的实现?
android developer
I have an application that play music from sd card using media player.
In this application, I have a seekbar to indicate the music that being play.
The seekbar run in thread, and updated while music is playing.
If a press the back button, the music is still playing as I want.
But if I click the application again, the seekbar is back to 0.
It means all instances are created the new one.
What I supposed to do, to save the instance of the media player when I press back button?
What kind of implementation that I should do at onPause and onResume?
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恢复它。请参阅此处使用“保存实例状态”保存 Android Activity 状态you have to save the state of your application and then restore it using
when your application start again. see here Saving Android Activity state using Save Instance State