App Store 版本号 - 更改方案/最佳实践
我们正在考虑更改 iOS 应用程序下一个版本中的版本号,从使用传统的 Major.Minor.Patch 版本号方案改为使用基于日期的方案(例如 2012.month.patch),以更好地向用户反映当前版本的版本号。该应用程序。
Apple 在 iTunes Connect 中的唯一版本号指导如下:
您要添加的应用程序的版本号。应遵循编号 典型的软件版本控制约定(例如,1.0 或 1.0.1 或 1.1)。
我的问题 - 他们执行这个传统计划吗?
更新:为了解释更多采用基于日期的版本控制方案的理由...相关应用程序的更新主要是为了反映每年添加几次的新数据集。对于用户来说,知道版本 2012.2 具有当前数据非常有用 - 版本 2.6 没有传达这一点。
We are contemplating changing the version number in the next release of an iOS app from using the traditional Major.Minor.Patch version number scheme to instead use a date based scheme such as 2012.month.patch to better reflect to our users the currency of the app.
Apple's only version number guidance in iTunes Connect is as follows:
The version number of the app you are adding. Numbering should follow
typical software versioning conventions (for example, 1.0 or 1.0.1 or
My question - do they enforce this traditional scheme?
Is there any downside to using a date based scheme?
Are there any gotchas that might emerge from changing schemes on an app that has already been widely deployed?
Update: To explain a bit more of the justification for going to a date-based versioning scheme... The apps in question are updated primarily to reflect new datasets being added a few times a year. It is useful for a user to know that version 2012.2 has current data - version 2.6 does not convey that.
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无论如何,只有一个问题。有时,iTunes Connect 在处理小数点后两位数时会遇到问题。我的意思是,V1.1 和 V1.10 有时显示为相同版本(因为零被忽略)。但是,V1.11 没问题。
The apple scheme is generally enforced, seeing as your bundle is checked twice for the proper version number (once at validation, once at upload). And if not by apple, by general accepted tradition. Besides, why would you need to go beyond the recommended decimal places if you could just use the build number field for that?
Anyways, there is but one gotcha. Sometimes, iTunes Connect has trouble with double digit numbers in decimal places. What I mean, it that V1.1 and V1.10 sometimes show up as the same version (because the zero is ignored). But, V1.11 is fine.
As per your suggestion, it would seem slightly outlandish, but I would go ahead and try it. The app store does not prominently display version numbers (except during software updates, and even then, it's a subtitle), so I'll bet it could just slip right by. If you need to, just amend the name of the app to reflect the year.
根据我的经验,除了第一个版本不低于 1.0 并且您不能发布较低编号的版本之外,他们不会强制执行它。
你为什么想要这样做?如果您在 2012.02.08 向应用商店提交,但直到 2 月 15 日才获得批准,那么立即就会出现差异。应用程序商店列出了应用程序上次更新的日期,您的用户可以阅读该日期或您的网站。
In my experience they do not enforce it except that the first version is not less than 1.0 and you cannot release a lower numbered version.
The upside to the traditional scheme is it focuses on features which may be updated at your pace instead of the date which is always ticking away and changing much too fast. It is easy to tell where the release fits in relation to the other releases and shorter using dates.
Why would you want to? If you submit 2012.02.08 to the app store but it is not approved until the 15th of February then immediately there is a disparity. The app store lists the date the app was last updated, your users can go read that or your website.
If you regularly update it, and they download the updates, then I'm sure they'll get the message that your app is being updated frequently. I certainly notice when apps are updated. Other than actually seeing the version number while downloading it or within the app, changing the version number to dates doesn't help them know it is updated frequently.
确保 Info.plist 文件中所有版本相关参数中仅遵循一个版本号,然后再存档上传到应用商店
After doing some research to submit my first build I am writing this.
First upload of the App can not be less than 1.0 ( no beta version ideas allowed)
Every subsequent upload should be incremented by one at the least
Maximum sub-version format allowed is X.X.X (where X can only be numbers)
No alphabets
Make sure only one version number is followed in all the version related parameters in Info.plist file before archiving to upload to the app store
I wanted to comment on this to say that using a versioning scheme is fine.
I checked my phone to see who's doing something similar and here's what I found: