读一本书上说:反复重新散列以获得计算量更大的字节序列。如果重新哈希 100 次,原本需要 1 个月的字典攻击将需要 8 年。为什么?我不明白。任何人都可以解释一下吗?
Reading a book that said: Repeatedly rehashing to obtain more computationally intensive byte sequence. If you rehashing 100 times, a dictionary attack that might otherwise take 1 month would take 8 years. Why? I don't understand. Anyone can explain?
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给定一个哈希值,例如 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99,您的首选技术是使用上述函数生成字典中所有单词的哈希值,然后将 password_hash 与您想要反转的哈希值进行比较。
作为攻击者,这次您必须对字典中的每个单词进行哈希 100 次,以将其与您想要暴力破解的给定哈希进行比较。因此,如果您多次对密码进行哈希处理,攻击者需要更长的时间才能暴力破解给定的哈希值。
正是出于这个目的,MD5 和 SHA 系列等快速哈希算法不太适合对密码进行哈希处理。您可以阅读 http://codahale.com/how-to-safely-store -a-password/ 了解像 bcrypt 这样的慢速算法如何更适合密码散列。
Suppose you have a hashing function like this:
Given a hash, say 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99, your preferred technique will be to generate hashes of all the words in a dictionary using the above function and then compare the password_hash to the one you want to reverse.
Now suppose you change your hashing function to
As an attacker, this time you'll have to hash each word in your dictionary 100 times to compare it with the given hash you want to brute force. Hence it takes much longer for an attacker to brute force a given hash if you've hashed your password multiple times.
It is for this very purpose, fast hashing algorithms like MD5 and SHA family aren't very suitable for hashing passwords. You can read http://codahale.com/how-to-safely-store-a-password/ to get insight of how a slow algorithm like bcrypt is more suited for password hashing.