最小化 Mathematica 中自定义分布的 NExpectation

发布于 2025-01-03 23:31:40 字数 9320 浏览 5 评论 0原文

这与 6 月份的一个早期问题相关:

计算自定义的期望Mathematica 中的分布

我有一个自定义混合分布,使用第二个自定义分布定义,遵循@Sasha 在过去一年中的许多答案中讨论的思路。


nDist /: CharacteristicFunction[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], 
   t_] := (a b E^(I m t - (s^2 t^2)/2))/((I a + t) (-I b + t));
nDist /: PDF[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], x_] := (1/(2*(a + b)))*a* 
   b*(E^(a*(m + (a*s^2)/2 - x))* Erfc[(m + a*s^2 - x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)] + 
     E^(b*(-m + (b*s^2)/2 + x))* 
      Erfc[(-m + b*s^2 + x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)]); 
nDist /: CDF[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], 
   x_] := ((1/(2*(a + b)))*((a + b)*E^(a*x)* 
        Erfc[(m - x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)] - 
       b*E^(a*m + (a^2*s^2)/2)*Erfc[(m + a*s^2 - x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)] + 
       a*E^((-b)*m + (b^2*s^2)/2 + a*x + b*x)*
        Erfc[(-m + b*s^2 + x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)]))/ E^(a*x);         

nDist /: Quantile[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] :=  
   x /. FindRoot[CDF[nDist[a, b, m, s], x] == #, {x, m}] & /@ p] /; 
  VectorQ[p, 0 < # < 1 &]
nDist /: Quantile[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := 
 Module[{x}, x /. FindRoot[CDF[nDist[a, b, m, s], x] == p, {x, m}]] /;
   0 < p < 1
nDist /: Quantile[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := -Infinity /; p == 0
nDist /: Quantile[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := Infinity /; p == 1
nDist /: Mean[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 1/a - 1/b + m;
nDist /: Variance[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 1/a^2 + 1/b^2 + s^2;
nDist /: StandardDeviation[ nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
  Sqrt[ 1/a^2 + 1/b^2 + s^2];
nDist /: DistributionDomain[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
 Interval[{0, Infinity}]
nDist /: DistributionParameterQ[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := ! 
  TrueQ[Not[Element[{a, b, s, m}, Reals] && a > 0 && b > 0 && s > 0]]
nDist /: DistributionParameterAssumptions[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
 Element[{a, b, s, m}, Reals] && a > 0 && b > 0 && s > 0
nDist /: Random`DistributionVector[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], n_, prec_] :=

    RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution[a], n, 
    WorkingPrecision -> prec] - 
   RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution[b], n, 
    WorkingPrecision -> prec] + 
   RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[m, s], n, 
    WorkingPrecision -> prec];

(* Fitting: This uses Mean, central moments 2 and 3 and 4th cumulant \
but it often does not provide a solution *)

nDistParam[data_] := Module[{mn, vv, m3, k4, al, be, m, si},
      mn = Mean[data];
      vv = CentralMoment[data, 2];
      m3 = CentralMoment[data, 3];
      k4 = Cumulant[data, 4];
      al = 
     Root[864 - 864 m3 #1^3 - 216 k4 #1^4 + 648 m3^2 #1^6 + 
        36 k4^2 #1^8 - 216 m3^3 #1^9 + (-2 k4^3 + 27 m3^4) #1^12 &, 
      2], k4 > Root[-27 m3^4 + 4 #1^3 &, 1]];
      be = ConditionalExpression[

     Root[2 Root[
           864 - 864 m3 #1^3 - 216 k4 #1^4 + 648 m3^2 #1^6 + 
             36 k4^2 #1^8 - 
             216 m3^3 #1^9 + (-2 k4^3 + 27 m3^4) #1^12 &, 
           2]^3 + (-2 + 
           m3 Root[
              864 - 864 m3 #1^3 - 216 k4 #1^4 + 648 m3^2 #1^6 + 
                36 k4^2 #1^8 - 
                216 m3^3 #1^9 + (-2 k4^3 + 27 m3^4) #1^12 &, 
              2]^3) #1^3 &, 1], k4 > Root[-27 m3^4 + 4 #1^3 &, 1]];
      m = mn - 1/al + 1/be;
      si = 
    Sqrt[Abs[-al^-2 - be^-2 + vv ]];(*Ensure positive*)
    be, m, si}];

nDistLL = 
  Compile[{a, b, m, s, {x, _Real, 1}}, 
     1/(2 (a + 
           b)) a b (E^(a (m + (a s^2)/2 - x)) Erfc[(m + a s^2 - 
             x)/(Sqrt[2] s)] + 
        E^(b (-m + (b s^2)/2 + x)) Erfc[(-m + b s^2 + 
             x)/(Sqrt[2] s)])]](*, CompilationTarget->"C", 
   RuntimeAttributes->{Listable}, Parallelization->True*)];

nlloglike[data_, a_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ, m_?NumericQ, s_?NumericQ] := 
  nDistLL[a, b, m, s, data];

nFit[data_] := Module[{a, b, m, s, a0, b0, m0, s0, res},

      (* So far have not found a good way to quickly estimate a and \
b.  Starting assumption is that they both = 2,then m0 ~= 
   Mean and s0 ~= 
   StandardDeviation it seems to work better if a and b are not the \
same at start. *)

   {a0, b0, m0, s0} = nDistParam[data];(*may give Undefined values*)

     If[! (VectorQ[{a0, b0, m0, s0}, NumericQ] && 
       VectorQ[{a0, b0, s0}, # > 0 &]),
            m0 = Mean[data];
            s0 = StandardDeviation[data];
            a0 = 1;
            b0 = 2;];
   res = {a, b, m, s} /. 
       nlloglike[data, Abs[a], Abs[b], m,  
        Abs[s]], {{a, a0}, {b, b0}, {m, m0}, {s, s0}},
               Method -> "PrincipalAxis"][[2]];
      {Abs[res[[1]]], Abs[res[[2]]], res[[3]], Abs[res[[4]]]}];

nFit[data_, {a0_, b0_, m0_, s0_}] := Module[{a, b, m, s, res},
      res = {a, b, m, s} /. 
       nlloglike[data, Abs[a], Abs[b], m, 
        Abs[s]], {{a, a0}, {b, b0}, {m, m0}, {s, s0}},
               Method -> "PrincipalAxis"][[2]];
      {Abs[res[[1]]], Abs[res[[2]]], res[[3]], Abs[res[[4]]]}];

dDist /: PDF[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], x_] := 
  PDF[nDist[a, b, m, s], Log[x]]/x;
dDist /: CDF[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], x_] := 
  CDF[nDist[a, b, m, s], Log[x]];
dDist /: EstimatedDistribution[data_, dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
  dDist[Sequence @@ nFit[Log[data]]];
dDist /: EstimatedDistribution[data_, 
   dDist[a_, b_, m_, 
    s_], {{a_, a0_}, {b_, b0_}, {m_, m0_}, {s_, s0_}}] := 
  dDist[Sequence @@ nFit[Log[data], {a0, b0, m0, s0}]];
dDist /: Quantile[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := 
 Module[{x}, x /. FindRoot[CDF[dDist[a, b, m, s], x] == p, {x, s}]] /;
   0 < p < 1
dDist /: Quantile[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] :=  
   x /. FindRoot[ CDF[dDist[a, b, m, s], x] == #, {x, s}] & /@ p] /; 
  VectorQ[p, 0 < # < 1 &]
dDist /: Quantile[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := -Infinity /; p == 0
dDist /: Quantile[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := Infinity /; p == 1
dDist /: DistributionDomain[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
 Interval[{0, Infinity}]
dDist /: DistributionParameterQ[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := ! 
  TrueQ[Not[Element[{a, b, s, m}, Reals] && a > 0 && b > 0 && s > 0]]
dDist /: DistributionParameterAssumptions[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
 Element[{a, b, s, m}, Reals] && a > 0 && b > 0 && s > 0
dDist /: Random`DistributionVector[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], n_, prec_] :=
   Exp[RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution[a], n, 
     WorkingPrecision -> prec] - 
       RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution[b], n, 
     WorkingPrecision -> prec] + 
    RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[m, s], n, 
     WorkingPrecision -> prec]];

这使我能够拟合分布参数并生成 PDFCDF。绘图示例:

Plot[PDF[dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40], x], {x, 0, .3}, 
 PlotRange -> All]
Plot[CDF[dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40], x], {x, 0, .3}, 
 PlotRange -> All]



MeanResidualLife[start_, dist_] := 
 NExpectation[X \[Conditioned] X > start, X \[Distributed] dist] - 
MeanResidualLife[start_, limit_, dist_] := 
 NExpectation[X \[Conditioned] start <= X <= limit, 
   X \[Distributed] dist] - start


现在我需要找到相同分布(或其某些变体)的 MeanResidualLife 函数的最小值或将其最小化。


FindMinimum[MeanResidualLife[x, dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40]], x]
FindMinimum[MeanResidualLife[x, 1, dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40]], x]

NMinimize[{MeanResidualLife[x, dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40]], 
  0 <= x <= 1}, x]
NMinimize[{MeanResidualLife[x, 1, dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40]], 0 <= x <= 1}, x]


Power::infy :遇到无限表达式 1/ 0。 >>

应用于更简单但形状相似的分布的 MeanResidualLife 函数表明它有一个最小值:

Plot[PDF[LogNormalDistribution[1.75, 0.65], x], {x, 0, 30}, 
 PlotRange -> All]
Plot[MeanResidualLife[x, LogNormalDistribution[1.75, 0.65]], {x, 0, 
 PlotRange -> {{0, 30}, {4.5, 8}}]

enter image这里的描述


FindMinimum[MeanResidualLife[x, LogNormalDistribution[1.75, 0.65]], x]
FindMinimum[MeanResidualLife[x, 30, LogNormalDistribution[1.75, 0.65]], x]

在与 LogNormalDistribution 一起使用时给我答案(如果首先有一堆消息)。





Mathematica 是否有其他方法可以做到这一点?

美国东部时间 2 月 9 日下午 5:50 添加:

任何人都可以从 Wolfram 技术大会 2011 研讨会“创建您自己的发行版”下载 Oleksandr Pavlyk 关于在 Mathematica 中创建发行版的演示文稿此处。下载的内容包括笔记本'ExampleOfParametricDistribution.nb',它似乎列出了创建一个可以像 Mathematica 附带的发行版一样使用的发行版所需的所有部分。


This relates to an earlier question from back in June:

Calculating expectation for a custom distribution in Mathematica

I have a custom mixed distribution defined using a second custom distribution following along the lines discussed by @Sasha in a number of answers over the past year.

Code defining the distributions follows:

nDist /: CharacteristicFunction[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], 
   t_] := (a b E^(I m t - (s^2 t^2)/2))/((I a + t) (-I b + t));
nDist /: PDF[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], x_] := (1/(2*(a + b)))*a* 
   b*(E^(a*(m + (a*s^2)/2 - x))* Erfc[(m + a*s^2 - x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)] + 
     E^(b*(-m + (b*s^2)/2 + x))* 
      Erfc[(-m + b*s^2 + x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)]); 
nDist /: CDF[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], 
   x_] := ((1/(2*(a + b)))*((a + b)*E^(a*x)* 
        Erfc[(m - x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)] - 
       b*E^(a*m + (a^2*s^2)/2)*Erfc[(m + a*s^2 - x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)] + 
       a*E^((-b)*m + (b^2*s^2)/2 + a*x + b*x)*
        Erfc[(-m + b*s^2 + x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)]))/ E^(a*x);         

nDist /: Quantile[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] :=  
   x /. FindRoot[CDF[nDist[a, b, m, s], x] == #, {x, m}] & /@ p] /; 
  VectorQ[p, 0 < # < 1 &]
nDist /: Quantile[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := 
 Module[{x}, x /. FindRoot[CDF[nDist[a, b, m, s], x] == p, {x, m}]] /;
   0 < p < 1
nDist /: Quantile[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := -Infinity /; p == 0
nDist /: Quantile[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := Infinity /; p == 1
nDist /: Mean[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 1/a - 1/b + m;
nDist /: Variance[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 1/a^2 + 1/b^2 + s^2;
nDist /: StandardDeviation[ nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
  Sqrt[ 1/a^2 + 1/b^2 + s^2];
nDist /: DistributionDomain[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
 Interval[{0, Infinity}]
nDist /: DistributionParameterQ[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := ! 
  TrueQ[Not[Element[{a, b, s, m}, Reals] && a > 0 && b > 0 && s > 0]]
nDist /: DistributionParameterAssumptions[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
 Element[{a, b, s, m}, Reals] && a > 0 && b > 0 && s > 0
nDist /: Random`DistributionVector[nDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], n_, prec_] :=

    RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution[a], n, 
    WorkingPrecision -> prec] - 
   RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution[b], n, 
    WorkingPrecision -> prec] + 
   RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[m, s], n, 
    WorkingPrecision -> prec];

(* Fitting: This uses Mean, central moments 2 and 3 and 4th cumulant \
but it often does not provide a solution *)

nDistParam[data_] := Module[{mn, vv, m3, k4, al, be, m, si},
      mn = Mean[data];
      vv = CentralMoment[data, 2];
      m3 = CentralMoment[data, 3];
      k4 = Cumulant[data, 4];
      al = 
     Root[864 - 864 m3 #1^3 - 216 k4 #1^4 + 648 m3^2 #1^6 + 
        36 k4^2 #1^8 - 216 m3^3 #1^9 + (-2 k4^3 + 27 m3^4) #1^12 &, 
      2], k4 > Root[-27 m3^4 + 4 #1^3 &, 1]];
      be = ConditionalExpression[

     Root[2 Root[
           864 - 864 m3 #1^3 - 216 k4 #1^4 + 648 m3^2 #1^6 + 
             36 k4^2 #1^8 - 
             216 m3^3 #1^9 + (-2 k4^3 + 27 m3^4) #1^12 &, 
           2]^3 + (-2 + 
           m3 Root[
              864 - 864 m3 #1^3 - 216 k4 #1^4 + 648 m3^2 #1^6 + 
                36 k4^2 #1^8 - 
                216 m3^3 #1^9 + (-2 k4^3 + 27 m3^4) #1^12 &, 
              2]^3) #1^3 &, 1], k4 > Root[-27 m3^4 + 4 #1^3 &, 1]];
      m = mn - 1/al + 1/be;
      si = 
    Sqrt[Abs[-al^-2 - be^-2 + vv ]];(*Ensure positive*)
    be, m, si}];

nDistLL = 
  Compile[{a, b, m, s, {x, _Real, 1}}, 
     1/(2 (a + 
           b)) a b (E^(a (m + (a s^2)/2 - x)) Erfc[(m + a s^2 - 
             x)/(Sqrt[2] s)] + 
        E^(b (-m + (b s^2)/2 + x)) Erfc[(-m + b s^2 + 
             x)/(Sqrt[2] s)])]](*, CompilationTarget->"C", 
   RuntimeAttributes->{Listable}, Parallelization->True*)];

nlloglike[data_, a_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ, m_?NumericQ, s_?NumericQ] := 
  nDistLL[a, b, m, s, data];

nFit[data_] := Module[{a, b, m, s, a0, b0, m0, s0, res},

      (* So far have not found a good way to quickly estimate a and \
b.  Starting assumption is that they both = 2,then m0 ~= 
   Mean and s0 ~= 
   StandardDeviation it seems to work better if a and b are not the \
same at start. *)

   {a0, b0, m0, s0} = nDistParam[data];(*may give Undefined values*)

     If[! (VectorQ[{a0, b0, m0, s0}, NumericQ] && 
       VectorQ[{a0, b0, s0}, # > 0 &]),
            m0 = Mean[data];
            s0 = StandardDeviation[data];
            a0 = 1;
            b0 = 2;];
   res = {a, b, m, s} /. 
       nlloglike[data, Abs[a], Abs[b], m,  
        Abs[s]], {{a, a0}, {b, b0}, {m, m0}, {s, s0}},
               Method -> "PrincipalAxis"][[2]];
      {Abs[res[[1]]], Abs[res[[2]]], res[[3]], Abs[res[[4]]]}];

nFit[data_, {a0_, b0_, m0_, s0_}] := Module[{a, b, m, s, res},
      res = {a, b, m, s} /. 
       nlloglike[data, Abs[a], Abs[b], m, 
        Abs[s]], {{a, a0}, {b, b0}, {m, m0}, {s, s0}},
               Method -> "PrincipalAxis"][[2]];
      {Abs[res[[1]]], Abs[res[[2]]], res[[3]], Abs[res[[4]]]}];

dDist /: PDF[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], x_] := 
  PDF[nDist[a, b, m, s], Log[x]]/x;
dDist /: CDF[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], x_] := 
  CDF[nDist[a, b, m, s], Log[x]];
dDist /: EstimatedDistribution[data_, dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
  dDist[Sequence @@ nFit[Log[data]]];
dDist /: EstimatedDistribution[data_, 
   dDist[a_, b_, m_, 
    s_], {{a_, a0_}, {b_, b0_}, {m_, m0_}, {s_, s0_}}] := 
  dDist[Sequence @@ nFit[Log[data], {a0, b0, m0, s0}]];
dDist /: Quantile[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := 
 Module[{x}, x /. FindRoot[CDF[dDist[a, b, m, s], x] == p, {x, s}]] /;
   0 < p < 1
dDist /: Quantile[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] :=  
   x /. FindRoot[ CDF[dDist[a, b, m, s], x] == #, {x, s}] & /@ p] /; 
  VectorQ[p, 0 < # < 1 &]
dDist /: Quantile[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := -Infinity /; p == 0
dDist /: Quantile[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], p_] := Infinity /; p == 1
dDist /: DistributionDomain[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
 Interval[{0, Infinity}]
dDist /: DistributionParameterQ[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := ! 
  TrueQ[Not[Element[{a, b, s, m}, Reals] && a > 0 && b > 0 && s > 0]]
dDist /: DistributionParameterAssumptions[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_]] := 
 Element[{a, b, s, m}, Reals] && a > 0 && b > 0 && s > 0
dDist /: Random`DistributionVector[dDist[a_, b_, m_, s_], n_, prec_] :=
   Exp[RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution[a], n, 
     WorkingPrecision -> prec] - 
       RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution[b], n, 
     WorkingPrecision -> prec] + 
    RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[m, s], n, 
     WorkingPrecision -> prec]];

This enables me to fit distribution parameters and generate PDF's and CDF's. An example of the plots:

Plot[PDF[dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40], x], {x, 0, .3}, 
 PlotRange -> All]
Plot[CDF[dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40], x], {x, 0, .3}, 
 PlotRange -> All]

enter image description here

Now I've defined a function to calculate mean residual life (see this question for an explanation).

MeanResidualLife[start_, dist_] := 
 NExpectation[X \[Conditioned] X > start, X \[Distributed] dist] - 
MeanResidualLife[start_, limit_, dist_] := 
 NExpectation[X \[Conditioned] start <= X <= limit, 
   X \[Distributed] dist] - start

The first of these that doesn't set a limit as in the second takes a long time to calculate, but they both work.

Now I need to find the minimum of the MeanResidualLife function for the same distribution (or some variation of it) or minimize it.

I've tried a number of variations on this:

FindMinimum[MeanResidualLife[x, dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40]], x]
FindMinimum[MeanResidualLife[x, 1, dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40]], x]

NMinimize[{MeanResidualLife[x, dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40]], 
  0 <= x <= 1}, x]
NMinimize[{MeanResidualLife[x, 1, dDist[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40]], 0 <= x <= 1}, x]

These either seem to run forever or run into:

Power::infy : Infinite expression 1/ 0. encountered. >>

The MeanResidualLife function applied to a simpler but similarly shaped distribution shows that it has a single minimum:

Plot[PDF[LogNormalDistribution[1.75, 0.65], x], {x, 0, 30}, 
 PlotRange -> All]
Plot[MeanResidualLife[x, LogNormalDistribution[1.75, 0.65]], {x, 0, 
 PlotRange -> {{0, 30}, {4.5, 8}}]

enter image description here

Also both:

FindMinimum[MeanResidualLife[x, LogNormalDistribution[1.75, 0.65]], x]
FindMinimum[MeanResidualLife[x, 30, LogNormalDistribution[1.75, 0.65]], x]

give me answers (if with a bunch of messages first) when used with the LogNormalDistribution.

Any thoughts on how to get this to work for the custom distribution described above?

Do I need to add constraints or options?

Do I need to define something else in the definitions of the custom distributions?

Maybe the FindMinimum or NMinimize just need to run longer (I've run them nearly an hour to no avail). If so do I just need some way to speed up finding the minimum of the function? Any suggestions on how?

Does Mathematica have another way to do this?

Added 9 Feb 5:50PM EST:

Anyone can download Oleksandr Pavlyk's presentation about creating distributions in Mathematica from the Wolfram Technology Conference 2011 workshop 'Create Your Own Distribution' here. The downloads include the notebook, 'ExampleOfParametricDistribution.nb' that seems to lays out all the pieces required to create a distribution that one can use like the distributions that come with Mathematica.

It may supply some of the answer.

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乖不如嘢 2025-01-10 23:31:40

据我所知,问题是(正如您已经写的),即使对于单次评估,MeanResidualLife 也需要很长时间来计算。现在,FindMinimum 或类似函数尝试找到该函数的最小值。找到最小值需要将函数的一阶导数设置为零并求解解。由于您的函数非常复杂(并且可能不可微分),因此第二种可能性是进行数值最小化,这需要对您的函数进行多次评估。因此,它非常非常慢。

我建议在没有 Mathematica 魔法的情况下尝试一下。

首先让我们看看您定义的 MeanResidualLife 是什么。 NExpectationExpectation 计算预期值
对于预期值,我们只需要您的发行版的 PDF。让我们将其从上面的定义中提取为简单的函数:

pdf[a_, b_, m_, s_, x_] := (1/(2*(a + b)))*a*b*
    (E^(a*(m + (a*s^2)/2 - x))*Erfc[(m + a*s^2 - x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)] + 
    E^(b*(-m + (b*s^2)/2 + x))*Erfc[(-m + b*s^2 + x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)])
pdf2[a_, b_, m_, s_, x_] := pdf[a, b, m, s, Log[x]]/x;

如果我们绘制 pdf2,它看起来与您的绘图完全相同

Plot[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x], {x, 0, .3}]

Plot of PDF

现在预期值。如果我理解正确的话,我们必须将 x * pdf[x]-inf 集成到 +inf 以获得正常的期望值。

x * pdf[x] 看起来像

Plot[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x]*x, {x, 0, .3}, PlotRange -> All]

Plot of x * PDF


NIntegrate[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x]*x, {x, 0, \[Infinity]}]
Out= 0.0596504

But因为您想要 start+inf 之间的预期值,所以我们需要在这个范围内积分,并且由于 PDF 在这个较小的区间内不再积分为 1,所以我我猜我们必须将结果标准化除以PDF在此范围内的积分。因此,我对左边界期望值的猜测是

expVal[start_] := 
    NIntegrate[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x]*x, {x, start, \[Infinity]}]/
    NIntegrate[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x], {x, start, \[Infinity]}]

,对于 MeanResidualLife,您从中减去 start,将

MRL[start_] := expVal[start] - start

Which 绘图指定为

Plot[MRL[start], {start, 0, 0.3}, PlotRange -> {0, All}]


看起来似乎有道理,但我不是专家。所以最后我们想要最小化它,即找到该函数的局部最小值的start。最小值似乎在 0.05 左右,但让我们从该猜测开始找到一个更准确的值

FindMinimum[MRL[start], {start, 0.05}]

,并在出现一些错误之后(您的函数未定义为低于 0,所以我猜最小化器会在该禁止区域中戳一点)我们得到

{0.0418137, {开始-> 0.0584312}}

因此,最佳值应为 start = 0.0584312,平均剩余寿命为 0.0418137


As far as I see, the problem is (as you already wrote), that MeanResidualLife takes a long time to compute, even for a single evaluation. Now, the FindMinimum or similar functions try to find a minimum to the function. Finding a minimum requires either to set the first derivative of the function zero and solve for a solution. Since your function is quite complicated (and probably not differentiable), the second possibility is to do a numerical minimization, which requires many evaluations of your function. Ergo, it is very very slow.

I'd suggest to try it without Mathematica magic.

First let's see what the MeanResidualLife is, as you defined it. NExpectation or Expectation compute the expected value.
For the expected value, we only need the PDF of your distribution. Let's extract it from your definition above into simple functions:

pdf[a_, b_, m_, s_, x_] := (1/(2*(a + b)))*a*b*
    (E^(a*(m + (a*s^2)/2 - x))*Erfc[(m + a*s^2 - x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)] + 
    E^(b*(-m + (b*s^2)/2 + x))*Erfc[(-m + b*s^2 + x)/(Sqrt[2]*s)])
pdf2[a_, b_, m_, s_, x_] := pdf[a, b, m, s, Log[x]]/x;

If we plot pdf2 it looks exactly as your Plot

Plot[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x], {x, 0, .3}]

Plot of PDF

Now to the expected value. If I understand it correctly we have to integrate x * pdf[x] from -inf to +inf for a normal expected value.

x * pdf[x] looks like

Plot[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x]*x, {x, 0, .3}, PlotRange -> All]

Plot of x * PDF

and the expected value is

NIntegrate[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x]*x, {x, 0, \[Infinity]}]
Out= 0.0596504

But since you want the expected value between a start and +inf we need to integrate in this range, and since the PDF then no longer integrates to 1 in this smaller interval, I guess we have to normalize the result be dividing by the integral of the PDF in this range. So my guess for the left-bound expected value is

expVal[start_] := 
    NIntegrate[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x]*x, {x, start, \[Infinity]}]/
    NIntegrate[pdf2[3.77, 1.34, -2.65, 0.40, x], {x, start, \[Infinity]}]

And for the MeanResidualLife you subtract start from it, giving

MRL[start_] := expVal[start] - start

Which plots as

Plot[MRL[start], {start, 0, 0.3}, PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Plot of Mean Residual Life

Looks plausible, but I'm no expert. So finally we want to minimize it, i.e. find the start for which this function is a local minimum. The minimum seems to be around 0.05, but let's find a more exact value starting from that guess

FindMinimum[MRL[start], {start, 0.05}]

and after some errors (your function is not defined below 0, so I guess the minimizer pokes a little in that forbidden region) we get

{0.0418137, {start -> 0.0584312}}

So the optimum should be at start = 0.0584312 with a mean residual life of 0.0418137.

I don't know if this is correct, but it seems plausible.

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