Vim 正则表达式:覆盖反向引用?
获取维基百科上的罗马执政官列表,将数据放入 CSV 中,这样我就可以制作一个图表,展示各个氏族在执政方面的兴衰情况
509,L. Iunius Brutus,L. Tarquinius Collatinus
suff.,Sp. Lucretius Tricipitinus,P. Valerius Poplicola
suff.,M. Horatius Pulvillus,
508,P. Valerius Poplicola II,T. Lucretius Tricipitinus
507,P. Valerius Poplicola III,M. Horatius Pulvillus II
Vim 搜索:
/\v(\d+|suff\.),((\w+\.=) (\w+)(\s\w+)=(\s\w+)=(\s[iv]+)=(\s\(.{-}\))=,=){,2}
- 找到开头的年份(或 suffect consul 的指示):
- 下一个分组(我们称之为外部组)最多需要找到两次:
(outer group){,2}
- 对于这两个外部组中的每一个,查找:
- Praenomen,带有可选句点(有时不存在):
- 名称:
- 可选的别名(包括空格,如下所示):
- 可选 agnomen:
- 可选迭代(表示他第n次担任执政官)。数据源迭代次数不超过 8 次(因此 I 和 V 就足够了):
- 可选的解释性注释,如“Sicinius (Sabinus?)”:
- Praenomen,带有可选句点(有时不存在):
\1: year or suffect
\2: the entire second outer group
\3: Praenomen of second outer group (same with all below)
\4: Nomen
\5: Cognomen
\6: Agnomen
\7: Iteration
\8: Explanatory note
问题是我不知道如何捕获第一个外部 团体。就像当它看到第二个外部组时 \2 和 \3-\8 引用被覆盖一样。
1:{509} 2:{L. Tarquinius Collatinus} 3:{L.} 4:{Tarquinius} 5:{ Collatinus} 6:{} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
1:{suff.} 2:{P. Valerius Poplicola} 3:{P.} 4:{Valerius} 5:{ Poplicola} 6:{} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
1:{suff.} 2:{M. Horatius Pulvillus,} 3:{M.} 4:{Horatius} 5:{ Pulvillus} 6:{} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
1:{508} 2:{T. Lucretius Tricipitinus} 3:{T.} 4:{Lucretius} 5:{ Tricipitinus} 6:{ II} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
1:{507} 2:{M. Horatius Pulvillus II} 3:{M.} 4:{Horatius} 5:{ Pulvillus} 6:{ II} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
编辑: 原标题 Vim 正则表达式(或任何兼容的正则表达式):如果迭代外部组,如何引用组(组内)?
Take Wikipedia's list of Roman consuls, put the data in a CSV so I can make a graph of the rise and fall of various gens in terms of consulage
Example data source:
509,L. Iunius Brutus,L. Tarquinius Collatinus
suff.,Sp. Lucretius Tricipitinus,P. Valerius Poplicola
suff.,M. Horatius Pulvillus,
508,P. Valerius Poplicola II,T. Lucretius Tricipitinus
507,P. Valerius Poplicola III,M. Horatius Pulvillus II
Vim search:
/\v(\d+|suff\.),((\w+\.=) (\w+)(\s\w+)=(\s\w+)=(\s[iv]+)=(\s\(.{-}\))=,=){,2}
So essentially:
- Find the year at the beginning (or indication of suffect consul):
- The next grouping (let's call it the outer group) needs to be found up to two times:
(outer group){,2}
- For each of these two outer groups, find:
- Praenomen, with optional period (sometimes this isn't present):
- Nomen:
- Optional cognomen (includes space, as do all below):
- Optional agnomen:
- Optional iteration (indicates the nth time he's been consul). Data source does not have more than 8 iterations (so I and V will suffice):
- Optional explanatory note like "Sicinius (Sabinus?)":
- Praenomen, with optional period (sometimes this isn't present):
(Last comma is optional since it's the end of the row.)
So the back references turn out to be:
\1: year or suffect
\2: the entire second outer group
\3: Praenomen of second outer group (same with all below)
\4: Nomen
\5: Cognomen
\6: Agnomen
\7: Iteration
\8: Explanatory note
The problem is I can't figure out how to capture that first outer group. It's like the \2 and \3-\8 references get overwritten when it sees that second outer group.
Using this replace:
I get this output:
1:{509} 2:{L. Tarquinius Collatinus} 3:{L.} 4:{Tarquinius} 5:{ Collatinus} 6:{} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
1:{suff.} 2:{P. Valerius Poplicola} 3:{P.} 4:{Valerius} 5:{ Poplicola} 6:{} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
1:{suff.} 2:{M. Horatius Pulvillus,} 3:{M.} 4:{Horatius} 5:{ Pulvillus} 6:{} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
1:{508} 2:{T. Lucretius Tricipitinus} 3:{T.} 4:{Lucretius} 5:{ Tricipitinus} 6:{ II} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
1:{507} 2:{M. Horatius Pulvillus II} 3:{M.} 4:{Horatius} 5:{ Pulvillus} 6:{ II} 7:{} 8:{} 9:{}
I can't access those groups within the first outer group. I think they're being overwritten: are they being overwritten? If so, is there a way around this?
Original title
Vim regex (or any compatible regex): how to reference a group (within a group) if the outer group is iterated?
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我会将其分解为多个子步骤,使用 vim 函数,而不是用
编辑 稍微不那么懒惰,让我们定义一个辅助函数来分割成至少 3 个子字符串并制表符分隔它们:
现在将替换减少到 (仅用于 SO 的换行符< /em>)
I'd break it down in substeps, employing vim functions instead of doing it all the
(pun intended) way:See what I did? made that much simpler and clearer
Edit Getting slightly less lazy, let's define a helper function to split into a minimum of 3 substrings and tabseparate them:
Now reduce the substitution to (linebreaks for SO only)
Running that beauty on your input yields
I'm pretty sure it will be a very easy step to further decorate the now neatly tab-separated columns to your liking. I might add it, but for now, here's simplest thing I can think of:
我对 vim 的正则表达式引擎不是特别熟悉,所以这里是一个简单的例子。
abc 12 345 6789 xyz
。Yes, capturing groups within repetitions get overwritten to the most recent matched values. According to the Repetition and Backreferences section near the bottom of the linked page:
You'll have to explicitly write out a certain number of capturing groups.
I'm not specifically familiar with vim's regex engine, so here's a simple example.
Let's say your text is
abc 12 345 6789 xyz
.Note that with a repetition range of
, I made the second and third( \d+)
optional with?