我有大量关于荷兰人的数据,我想用分区统计图将它们可视化。我还有个人的位置(经度和纬度),所以我希望能够在划分为自治市的荷兰地图上可视化(荷兰语中的“gemeente”),这样我就可以为每个自治市着色根据居住在那里的所有个人的平均值。我知道 R 包 maptools 可以制作 choropleth 地图,但我相信它需要 .shp 文件形式的模板地图。有谁知道在哪里可以找到荷兰这样的模板?最好是直辖市,而不是每个省,因此对于此图像,它将是左侧的图像:
I have a bunch of data on Dutch individuals that I would like to visualize with a choropleth map. I also have the location of the individuals (longitude and latitude), so I was hoping that it would be possible to visualize that on a Dutch map that is divided into municipalities (="gemeente" in Dutch), so I can color each municipality according to the mean value of all individuals living there. I know that the R package maptools can make choropleth maps, but I believe that it requires template maps in the form of a .shp file. Does anyone know where I could find such a template for the Netherlands? Preferably with municipalities and NOT per province, so for this image it would be the one on the left:
(source: www.kb.nl)
Any suggestions for other packages/software/etc to do this are also welcome! Many thanks!
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还可以尝试 GADM:http://www.gadm.org/
该网站是一个极好的资源,还有额外的好处:.Rdata 是您可以下载的格式之一(包含 SpatialPolygonsDataFrame)。它们还有 .shp 格式,适合您的情况。
also try GADM: http://www.gadm.org/
This site is an excellent resource, extra bonus: .Rdata is one of the formats you can download in (containing a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame). They also have .shp format, for your case.
ggplot2 是一个很棒的例子。
R 中的 Choropleths 是一个潜在的示例,因为它不使用shapefile,但我相信地图包支持它
如果失败,您可以随时尝试 Weave
Your main problem will be finding a shapefile for the municipalities. Once you have that and can easily relate your data at the lat/long level to the municipalities, then plotting becomes easy.
ggplot2 is a fantastic example.
Choropleths in R is a potential example, because it does not use shapefiles, but I believe the maps package supports it
Failing that, you could always try Weave
这里有荷兰的各种 .shp 文件:
http ://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/eea-reference-grids/
There are various .shp files for the Netherlands here:
您还可以在 GeoCommons 上找到市政图层,并将您的数据与其中一个图层连接起来。 GeoCommons 使快速制作许多不同的分区统计图变得非常容易。
You might also be able to find the municipalities layer on GeoCommons and join your data with one of those layers. GeoCommons makes it really easy to make many different choropleth maps quickly.
欧盟统计局 shapefile 的另一个来源是此处。然而,由于有限制性许可,我相信只有 NUTS3 级别(不过我没有看过)。
Open Streetmap 确实包含行政边界,但不是多边形。 此处是有关如何将边界转换为多边形的报告。 (我没有尝试)
Another source for shapefiles at Eurostat is here. However, with a restrictive license, and I believe only at NUTS3 level (I did not look at it, though).
Open Streetmap does contain administrative boundaries,but not as polygons. Here is a report about how to transform boundaries to polygons. (I did not try)
您可以在这里找到最新的荷兰官方地图:https://www.pdok.nl/nl/producten/pdok-downloads/basis-registratie-kadaster/bestuurlijke-grenzen-actueel 采用 .gml 和 .xsd 格式(不是 .不幸的是shp)。国家边界、省和直辖市。
You can find recent official Dutch maps here: https://www.pdok.nl/nl/producten/pdok-downloads/basis-registratie-kadaster/bestuurlijke-grenzen-actueel in .gml and .xsd formats (not in .shp unfortunately). National borders, province and municipality.