学习如何构建混合 HTML5 应用程序的起点?

发布于 2025-01-03 12:56:47 字数 475 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我想开始构建混合 HTML5 移动应用程序;通过 HTML5 构建核心功能,然后用适用于 iO、Android、BB 等的本机层对其进行包装

经过一番研究:我发现我需要熟悉很多技术,即:HTML5、JS、CSS3。建议我熟悉其他技术/框架:JQuery for Mobile、Sencha touch、Node.JS、Backbone.JS、PhoneGap 等。

到目前为止,我只了解 HTML5、JS 和 HTML5 的基础知识。 CSS。

我的问题是: 是否有一个“单一”地方(书籍/教程/截屏)可以让我找到一个演练教程,该教程涉及其中一些技术并指导我构建混合 HTML5 应用程序(例如,可能在 iO 上)..




I want to start building hybrid HTML5 mobile apps; build the core functionalities via HTML5, then wrap this with a native layer for iOs, Android, BB..etc

After some research: I found I need to be familiar with plenty of technologies, namely: HTML5, JS, CSS3. Other technologies/frameworks I was advised to be familiar with: JQuery for Mobile, Sencha touch, Node.JS, Backbone.JS, PhoneGap..etc

Till now I just know the basics of HTML5, JS & CSS.

My question is:
Is there a "single" place (Book/Tutorial/Screen casts) where I can find a walkthrough Tutorial that deals with some of these technologies and guide me to building hybrid HTML5 apps (Maybe on iOs for example)..

I would want to learn the mentioned technologies among these, yet I am pretty keen on learning them in the context of building a hybrid mobile app and not on separate basis. I much prefer learning by doing real work (The app in the Tutorial/Book/Screen cast here) rather than learning each technology on its own.

Much appreciate your answers.


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却一份温柔 2025-01-10 12:56:48


HTML 是超文本标记语言的缩写。
它用于指定如何通过 HTTP 协议 vulgo web 显示静态内容。

HTML5 是 HTML 语言规范的第 5 版,是对标准的推荐,但其本身并不是真正的标准。

CSS 用于将高级静态格式应用于静态文本/图像,例如表中偶数/奇数行的交替背景颜色、文本流、文本方向、大小、粗体、字体等。

要使静态内容成为动态,你需要 JavaScript。
JavaScript 是一种脚本语言,在网站访问者(客户端)的网络浏览器中运行。理论上,它在每个浏览器上的行为都是相同的,但实际上,微软利用不公平竞争,通过偏离 ECMA 标准和实现专有功能,故意削弱其浏览器 (Internet Explorer) 中的 JavaScript 实现,以扼杀竞争(Netscape)并使得开发引人注目的网络应用程序变得不可能,例如在线办公软件。

JavaScript 是客户端编程语言,由 PHP/ASP.NET/JSP 等编程语言和 JSP 进行补充。在服务器上运行的框架,用于动态创建静态页面(例如通过填充数据库中的数据)、处理和保存用户输入(例如订单、付款、电子邮件、反馈等)以及处理输入来自 HTML 表单(输入掩码)。

JQuery 是一个 JavaScript 框架。
这主要意味着,它是一个 JavaScript 函数库,旨在提供经常需要的功能,这些功能在每个浏览器上执行相同的操作,从而有效地绕过 Microsoft 和 Apple 等软件供应商的反竞争做法。
它还提供事件处理、图形和 AJAX(异步 JavaScript 和 XML)的基本功能,以及序列化/反序列化 JSON(JavaScript 对象表示法)的函数。

JQuery for Mobile 是针对移动设备(例如 Android 或 iAnything)优化的 JQuery 版本。 Sencha touch、Node.JS、Backbone.JS 等也是如此。

HTML 5/ 和 HTML4/XHTML 的区别主要在于 HTML5 提供了一种所谓的“统一”方式来嵌入音频视频。这不一定是真的,因为每个浏览器支持不同的音频和视频格式,并且不存在一种音频和视频格式。所有浏览器普遍支持的视频格式。

HTML 5 还提供了非常有用的 WebSocket,它基本上允许您在 Web 上创建客户端-服务器应用程序。由于这将实现与 Microsoft Office 相当的引人注目的 Web 应用程序和办公应用程序,因此 Microsoft 尚未在标准浏览器中实现 WebSocket。它可以作为单独的插件提供,基本上没有人费心去下载,这意味着如果 Web 应用程序应该与 Internet Explorer 一起使用,那么很快就无法使用 Web 套接字。另外,HTML5仅由IE9+实现,IE8不支持。然而,IE9 仅适用于 Windows XP(vista、7、8)更新的操作系统。这意味着无法在 Windows XP 上安装 IE9(占当前 Windows 安装量的 35%,Windows 占据桌面市场的 85%)。

要在手机上嵌入 Web 应用程序,您需要将应用程序嵌入到嵌入式 Web 浏览器中。对于Android,嵌入式浏览器的界面称为WebView,您需要学习Java编程语言才能使用它。对于Apple,我不知道他们是否有这样的东西,但我想他们有,尽管它可能会更复杂,因为那是Objective C,而不是Java。因为我既没有 iPhone,也没有苹果电脑,所以我不能告诉你任何关于它的信息,除了它很糟糕,因为它不支持 Flash,而且它的价格比它的价值高出 10 倍

。在 youtube 上查找,如果有的话。

技术并指导我构建混合 HTML5 应用程序(也许在 iO 上)




OK, let me expand my original answer:

HTML is short for hypertext markup language.
It is used to specify how to display STATIC content via the HTTP protocol, vulgo web.

HTML5 is version 5 of the HTML language specification, and is a RECOMMENDATION to a standard, but not really a standard by itsself.

CSS is used to apply advanced STATIC formatting to STATIC text/images, such as alternating background colors for even/odd rows in a table, text-flow, text-direction, size, boldness, font etc..

To make static content DYNAMIC, you need JavaScript.
JavaScript is a scripting language, that runs in the webbrowser of a vistor (client) to the website. Theoretically, it is meant to behave the same on each browser, but in reality, Microsoft used unfair competition and intentionally crippled the JavaScript implementation in it's browser (Internet Explorer), by diverging from the ECMA standard, and by implementing proprietary features, to stifle competition (Netscape) and make it impossible to develop compelling web applications, for example online office software.

JavaScript, the client-side programming language, is complemented by PHP/ASP.NET/JSP, which are programming languages & frameworks that run on the server, and are there to dynamically create static pages, for example by filling in data from a database, and to process and save user input, such as orders, payment, emails, feedback, etc, and to process input from HTML forms (input masks).

JQuery is a JavaScript framework.
That mainly means, it's a library of JavaScript functions that were designed to provide often-needed functions that do the same on each browser, effectively bypassing the anticompetitive practises of software vendors such as Microsoft and Apple.
It also provides basic functionality for event handling, graphics and AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML), and functions for serializing/deserializing JSON (JavaScript object notation).

JQuery for Mobile is a version of JQuery optimized for mobile devices, such as Android or the iAnything. So are Sencha touch, Node.JS, Backbone.JS, etc.

The difference between HTML 5 / and HTML4/XHTML is mainly that HTML5 provides a so-called "unified" way to embed audio video. Which is not necessarely true, because each browser supports different audio and video formats, and there is NOT ONE audio & video format that is universally supported across all browsers.

HTML 5 also provides the very useful WebSockets, which basically allow you to make client-server applications on the web. Since this would enable compelling web applications and office applications that would be on par with Microsoft Office, Microsoft hasn't implemented WebSockets in the standard browser. It's available as separate plugin, which basically nobody bothers to download, which means one cannot use web sockets anytime soon if the web application should work with internet explorer. Additionally, HTML5 is only implemented by IE9+, and not by IE8. IE9 however is only available for operating systems newer than windows XP (vista, 7, 8). Which means one cannot install IE9 on Windows XP (35 percent of current windows installations, Windows makes up 85 percent of the desktop market).

To embed web applications on mobile phones, you need to embed your applications in a embedded WebBrowser. For Android, the interface to the embedded browser is called WebView, and you need to learn the Java programming language to use it. For Apple, I have no idea whether they have such a thing at all, but I'd suppose they have, though it's probably going to be more complicated, since that's Objective C, and not Java. Since I have neither a iPhone nor an Apple computer, I cannot tell you anything about it, except that it's crap because it doesn't support Flash, and that it costs 10 times more than what it's worth..

Screencasts, you'll probably find on youtube, if there are any.
Again, google search will provide you with the necessary answers if you have a specific question.

My question is: Is there a "single" place (Book/Tutorial/Screen casts)
where I can find a walkthrough Tutorial that deals with some of these
technologies and guide me to building hybrid HTML5 apps (Maybe on iOs
for example)..

Yes, http://www.google.com/ncr

You know, it has a wonderful search box for just about any problem...

Other good pages:

太阳男子 2025-01-10 12:56:48

我首先会研究 Phonegap,或者 Adob​​e 拥有的名为 Cordova 的版本。这是快速开发和分发混合跨平台移动应用程序的非常流行的途径。事实上,如此流行的许多其他框架都是围绕 Cordova 框架构建的,以赋予其更原生的感觉,例如

  • Ionic - 这是迄今为止最受欢迎的,它是开源的(免费),也是我最喜欢的我发现最快、最容易合作。此外,他们还有很棒的文档和很棒的预构建。它是一个命令行界面框架,结合了 CordovaBower(包/插件管理器)、GruntAngular JS
  • Mobile Angular UI - 是一个 HTML 5 框架,它使用 bootstrap 3 和 AngularJS 创建交互式移动应用程序。
  • Titanium - 是一个“完整”的解决方案,用于创建混合移动应用程序,通过可下载的程序将您所需的一切集中在一个地方 Titanium studio
  • Telerik - 一个基于网站的程序,类似于 Ionic 和钛促进快速发展

这些都是很好的起点。如果您还没有订阅 Lynda.com,我强烈建议您订阅。订阅费用约为每月 25 美元,具体取决于您所在的位置。他们有数百个在线视频课程,可以运行几个小时,非常棒,我为您提供了很好的范围以及如何做许多项目并了解许多框架。 teamtreehouse.com 是另一个很棒的教程工具,他们有更小的视频选择,更深入、更实用,并且会起作用与项目中的许多其他框架一起使用。

Here is an update on this question, as building hybrid apps have come a long way in three years.
I would start with looking into Phonegap, or the Adobe owned version called Cordova. This is a very popular route in quickly developing and distributing hybrid cross platform mobile apps. So popular in fact many other frameworks are built around the Cordova framework to give it a more native feel, such as

  • Ionic - this is by far the most popular, it's open source (free) and my favorite as I find the quickest and easiest to work with. In addition they have great documentation and great pre-builds. It's command line interface framework that works combines the Cordova, Bower (a package/plugin manager), Grunt and Angular JS frameworks into one powerful and quick CLI. If you are unaware of these frameworks they're definitely worth looking up if you're looking into building web or hybrid apps.
  • Mobile Angular UI - is an HTML 5 framework which uses bootstrap 3 and AngularJS to create interactive mobile apps.
  • Titanium - is a "complete" solution for creating hybrid mobile apps with all you need in one place with there downloadable program Titanium studio
  • Telerik - a website based program similar to Ionic and titanium for rapid development

Those are great places to start. If you don't already have a subscription to Lynda.com I would highly suggested it. The subscription is roughly $25 a month depending on your location. They have hundreds online video courses that can run a few hours long and are very great I giving you a good scope and how-to do many projects and understanding many frameworks. teamtreehouse.com is another great tutorial tool they have a lot smaller selection of videos better more in depth and hands-on and will work with many other frameworks with in the project.

青春如此纠结 2025-01-10 12:56:48

您想学习如何开发适用于多种平台(例如 android、iOS、Windows 等)的混合应用程序。这意味着您需要学习 PhoneGap 和 Cordova(首选)。它们几乎是相同的,一个确实是另一个的一部分。

谷歌phonegap和cordova,安装软件包(需要一点bash命令行知识)。在 Phonegap 和 Cordova 中获取示例 HelloWorld 应用程序都相对快速且容易。
在那之后?好吧,对于混合应用程序的 Web 端,您至少必须学习 HTML、CSS、javascript。本机端(Android、iOS 等)需要学习 Android Studio/java(适用于 Android)或 Xcode/swift(适用于 iOS)。
您想要学习的所有内容都可以在 youtube.com 上免费获取,或者 UdemyUdacity琳达。有些网站您需要付费,但这是值得的。

You want to learn how to develop a hybrid app that works with multiple platforms such as android, iOS, Windows, etc. This means you need to learn PhoneGap and Cordova(preferred). These are almost the same, one really is part of the other.

Google both phonegap and cordova, install the packages (requires a little bash command line knowledge). It is relatively quick and easy to get the example HelloWorld app in both Phonegap and Cordova.
After that? well, you will have to learn HTML, CSS, javascript at minimum for the web side of a hybrid application. The native side (Android, iOS, etc.) will require learning Android Studio/java for android, or Xcode/swift for iOS.
Everything you want to learn is either on youtube.com for free, or Udemy, Udacity, Lynda. Some sites you will have to pay for, but its WORTH IT.

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