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对于图形数据库来说,几千个节点和关系很小,并且大多数图形数据库解决方案都可以工作。对于大多数人来说,Neo4j 是一个不错的选择,但有一些注意事项。首先,Neo4j 的许可在许多情况下可能会出现问题。其次,可视化工具是 Neo4j 服务器进程的一部分 - 这意味着您将运行另一个服务器进程。如果您担心许可问题,您可能需要查看 OrientDB,它采用 Apache 许可证,并且因此非常灵活。
从听起来来看,您有一个相当小的系统,并且可以使用 TinkerGraph(一个来自 Marko Rodriguez 和 Tinkerpop 黑客的内存图形数据库。如果需要,它可以选择将数据保存到文件中,它非常轻量级,并且像 Neo4j 和 OrientDB 一样,支持 Tinkerpop 堆栈中的所有图形工具,包括 Jung Ouplemntation,它可以为您提供所需的可视化效果。
The questions you'll need to ask and answer for a graph database are similar to any other database. How much data? In memory or persistent? How will you interface with it? Embedded or a server process? Distributed or localized? Licensing?
A couple of thousand nodes and relationships is small for a graph database and most any graph database solution will work. For most people Neo4j is a fine choice, but there are some caveats. First, the licensing of Neo4j can be problematic in many situations. Secondly, the visualizer is part of the Neo4j server process - which means you're going to have another server process running. If you're concerned about the licensing you may want to check out OrientDB, which is under the Apache license, and thus very flexible.
From the sounds of it, you have a fairly small system and may be able to get by with using TinkerGraph, an in-memory graph database from Marko Rodriguez and the Tinkerpop hackers. It has the option to persist your data to a file if needed, is amazingly lightweight, and, like Neo4j and OrientDB, supports all the graph tools from the Tinkerpop stack, including the Jung Ouplemntation, which can give you the visualizations you desire.