在工作流应用程序/SIngelton 工作流之间共享变量
我正在运行 ac# 应用程序,该应用程序出于某些目的启动工作流活动(使用 invokeworkflowapplication)。我希望能够在我从应用程序启动的所有流之间共享一个静态类(某种它们都可以随时访问的单例类)。
i am running a c# application that is launching workflow activities for some purposes (using invokeworkflowapplication). I would like to be able to share a static class between all flows i am launching from my application (some sort of singelton class that they can all acccess at any time).
Is there such a method to make the flow i am launching run in some singelton context??
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在不同工作流和实例之间共享数据的一个好方法是创建工作流实例扩展。此扩展必须由您的应用程序添加,并且其相同的实例可用于您的所有 WorkflowApplications、调用程序或服务,因此它将是“单例”。
如果它不符合您的需求,请查看 enterprise 的此实现变量
A nice way to share data between different workflows and instances is to make a workflowInstanceExtension. This extension must be added by your application and its same instance be used to all your WorkflowApplications, invoker or service, so it will be a "singleton".
Then, inside an activity, you can call
If you need the data at workflow level(not code), you could make a custom activity to retrieve the data to a variable.
If it don't fit your needs, take a look at this implementation of enterprise variables
您可以在工作流程中使用任何您想要的 VB 表达式,这样您就可以只访问单例对象。您还可以使用 Extensions 集合将相同的对象添加到每个 WorkflowApplication。在这种情况下,您可以使用检索自定义活动内部的对象,但不能使用 VB 表达式。
You can use any VB expression you want inside your workflows so you can just access a singleton object. You can also add the same object to each WorkflowApplication using the Extensions collection. In that case you can use retrieve the object inside of custom activities but not using VB expressions.