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Closed 1 year ago.
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0 0 * * 1,2,3,4,5; 开头<命令>。第一个字段是分钟和小时。在这种情况下,该命令将在午夜运行。星星的意思是:每个月的每一天,每个月。 1 到 5 指定日期。周一至周五。 6=星期六 0=星期日。
Begin the line with
0 0 * * 1,2,3,4,5 <user> <command>
. The first fields are minutes and hours. In this case the command will run at midnight. The stars mean: for every day of the month, and for every month. The 1 to 5 specify the days. monday to friday. 6=saturday 0=sunday.试试这个:
Try this:
To sum it up simples, 0 represents Sunday and 6 Saturday: