用于在 Microsoft Word 中的合并单词之间添加空格的宏
今天我不得不在 Microsoft Word 中编辑一篇糟糕的文本,其中有很多段落,所有单词都合并在一起,并且文本无法阅读,噩梦:) 所以,我想,也许有一个解决方案? 我有这个想法:1)我浏览放置光标的文本(或段落) 应该分开的单词之间(即 loremipsum 应该变成 lorem ipsum)。 2)宏记住我放置光标的所有场合 3)宏在单词之间插入必要的空格
但是当我放置光标时插入空格也可以很好。 有什么建议吗? 谢谢!
Today I had to edit a terrible text in Microsoft Word that have many paragraphs where all words are merged and text was impossible to read, nightmare :)
So, I thought, maybe there is a solution to this?
I have this idea: 1) I go through text (or paragraph) placing cursor
between words which should be separated (i.e. loremipsum should become lorem ipsum).
2) macro remember all occasions when I placed cursor
3) macro inserts necessary spaces between words
But inserting a space when I place cursor also can be good.
Any suggestions?
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用户939536,欢迎来到SO。在构建成熟的 Word 插件之前,大部分功能已经存在。
如果您进入单词选项->校对->自动更正选项(您的版本可能有不同的方法),您可以看到自动替换为其他单词的单词列表。您可以将最常用的组合词放在这里,让 Word 为您完成这项工作。
User939536, welcome to SO. Before you build a full-fledged Add-In to Word, a good chunk of your functionality is already there.
If you go to Word Options->Proofing->Autocorrect Options (your version may have a different method), you can see the list of words to automatically replace with other words. You can put your most commonly combined words here and let Word do the work for you.
The other route of course is to build an Add-In that will: