Wow, I remember using MHonarc back in 1995. If it does exactly what you want, why not use it? You can call it from a Ruby app with backticks.
If you're really looking for a Ruby solution, the description of the Ruby-Talk mailing list says it is powered by "Shin-ichiro Hara's Ruby smart archiver" so you might want to look for that.
If I were to build an archiver today, I'd probably set up a Rails app that stores incoming mail in a database (or better yet, a Solr index) to provide searchability as well as browseability. The capability to receive and/or process email is built into ActionMailer. (Outside of Rails, I'd use the Mail gem).
哇,我记得 1995 年就使用过 MHonarc。如果它完全符合您的要求,为什么不使用它呢?您可以从 Ruby 应用程序中使用反引号调用它。
如果您确实正在寻找 Ruby 解决方案,Ruby-Talk 邮件列表的描述称它由“Shin-ichiro Hara 的 Ruby smart archiver”提供支持,因此您可能需要寻找该解决方案。
如果我今天要构建一个存档器,我可能会设置一个 Rails 应用程序,将收到的邮件存储在数据库(或者更好的是 Solr 索引)中,以提供可搜索性和可浏览性。 ActionMailer 内置了接收和/或处理电子邮件的功能。 (在 Rails 之外,我会使用 Mail gem)。
Wow, I remember using MHonarc back in 1995. If it does exactly what you want, why not use it? You can call it from a Ruby app with backticks.
If you're really looking for a Ruby solution, the description of the Ruby-Talk mailing list says it is powered by "Shin-ichiro Hara's Ruby smart archiver" so you might want to look for that.
If I were to build an archiver today, I'd probably set up a Rails app that stores incoming mail in a database (or better yet, a Solr index) to provide searchability as well as browseability. The capability to receive and/or process email is built into ActionMailer. (Outside of Rails, I'd use the Mail gem).