我的雇主为我们购买了“JAWS”屏幕阅读器的许可证,以测试是否有视力障碍的潜在新员工。我已经在我们所有的内部应用程序(主要是 Web 应用程序)上对其进行了测试,一切都运行得相当好,除了一个 Web 应用程序在页面中包含嵌入式 Java 小程序。这不是我们开发的应用程序。
我安装了 Java Access Bridge,现在我什至无法再单击/与这个 java 小程序交互。此时,我不确定我的安装是否有问题,或者 Java 小程序是否一开始就无法访问。
屏幕阅读器供应商提供了一些帮助。他们只是告诉我java小程序需要使用“Swing Class / AWT”组件来编写,但我无法验证这一点。我需要一个已知适合残障人士使用的 Java 小程序。我只需要访问一个网页,看看我的屏幕阅读器是否可以从 Java 小程序中读取内容。这会告诉我我的安装是否错误,或者我的小程序是否错误。
屏幕阅读器供应商建议我下载一些示例小程序的 Java JDK。但这并没有成功,因为我们的企业正在运行比当前版本的 JDK 更新的 Java 运行时版本。 JDK 将不会安装,因为这将是降级。
那么...任何人都可以帮助我找到一个可公开访问的网页,其中包含一个屏幕阅读器友好的 Java 小程序,我可以用它来测试此屏幕阅读器?
My employer purchased a license of "JAWS" screen reader for us to test out for a potential new employee who is visually impaired. I've been testing it on all our internal applications (mostly web apps) and everything has worked fairly well, except one web app that contains an embedded java applet in the page. This is not an app we developed.
I installed the Java Access Bridge and now I can't even click/interact with this java applet anymore. At this point I'm not sure if I did something wrong with my installation, or if the java applet is not handicap accessible to begin with.
The screen reader vendor has been somewhat helpful. They just told me the java applet needs to be written using the "Swing Class / AWT" components, but I have no way to verify this. I need a java applet that is known to be handicap accessible. I just need to go to a web page and see if my screen reader can read from a java applet. This will tell me if my install is bad, or if my applet is bad.
The screen reader vendor recommended I download the Java JDK for some sample applets. This has not worked out, as our enterprise is running a Java Runtime version that is newer than the current release of the JDK. The JDK won't install because it would be a downgrade.
So... can anybody help me find a publicly accessible web page with a screen-reader friendly java applet that I can use to test this screen reader?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

),然后单击提交另一端的小程序是使用 Swing 编写的。
Select a property (e.g.
) from this form then click SubmitThe applet at the other end is written using Swing.
使用 Java Ferret - 与 Java Access Bridge 一起位于同一文件夹中:关于 Java雪貂
Use Java Ferret - comes with the Java Access Bridge in the same folder: About Java Ferret