Java 图形用户界面/图形
Java 的主要“设计”包是什么?我环顾四周,就我所见,Swing 似乎相当有限。当然,我可能会做出评判,因为我对 Java 完全陌生。 使用什么包我可以在 Java 中真正创建漂亮的 GUI?
What are the main 'design' packages for Java? I had a look around and from what I see, Swing seems pretty limited. Of course I may be judgemental, as I am completely new to Java.
With what packages can I actually create beautifull looking GUIs in Java?
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Swing, and it's not limited at all.
Swing 是除 Qt 之外最丰富的 GUI 框架之一。使用最新的 LAF 查看它 /tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/nimbus.html
Swing is one of the richest GUI frameworks that exist other than Qt. See it with the latest LAF
除了 Swing 之外,还有 SWT、Buoy 和 Qt Jambi,我认为这是最好的。
Aside from Swing there's SWT, Buoy and Qt Jambi which is the best in my opinion.
您可以尝试Pivot。高效、良好的设计,并且您可能会获得比 Swing 更好看的 UI。
You can try Pivot. Efficient, good design, and you may get better looking UI than Swing.
如果您阅读了这本书,就不能说 Swing 受到限制: :-)。我认为 JavaFX 是一个不错的选择,因为它应该是 Java 桌面应用程序中 Swing 的“替代品”。您可以评估的其他不错的选择是 Apache Pivot 和 griffon(用于桌面应用程序的 grails 风格框架)。 Griffon 可以通过插件(Swing、JavaFX、SWT、Pivot、GTK)在不同的 UI 工具包上运行。
You cannot state that Swing is limited if you read this book: :-). I think a good choose would be JavaFX as it is supposed to be a "replacement" for Swing in java desktop applications. Other good options you could evaluate are Apache Pivot and griffon (grails-style framework for desktop applications). Griffon can run on different UI toolkits through plugins (Swing, JavaFX, SWT, Pivot, GTK).