UNIX find 用于查找未配对的文件名
例如,该目录有一堆以 .dat 结尾的文件,
我想找到没有附带 .out 文件的 .dat 文件。
我有一个 while 循环来检查每个条目,但这对于长列表来说很慢......
我正在使用 GNU find。
Is there a simple way to recursively find all files in a directory hierarchy, that do not have a matching file with a different extension?
For example the directory has a bunch of files ending in .dat
I want to find the .dat files that do not have an accompanying .out file.
I have a while loop that checks each entry, but that is slow for long lists...
I am using GNU find.
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Perhaps something like this?
I haven't tested it, but I think it's probably close to what you're asking for.
find 。 -打印| grep -Fi '.dat' | grep -Fi '.dat' | grep -vFi '.dat'。 |排序| sed -e 's/.dat //g' >列1.txt
寻找 。 -打印| grep -Fi '.out' | grep -Fi '.out' | grep -Fi '.out' | grep -Fi '.out' grep -vFi '.out'。 |排序| sed -e 's/.out //g' >列2.txt
sdiff -s 列1.txt 列2.txt | grep -F '<' |剪切-f1-d“<” > c12diff.txt
I had to add a bunch of bells and whistles to the 1st solution, but that was a good start, thanks...
find . -print | grep -Fi '.dat' | grep -vFi '.dat.' | sort | sed -e 's/.dat//g' > column1.txt
find . -print | grep -Fi '.out' | grep -vFi '.out.' | sort | sed -e 's/.out//g' > column2.txt
sdiff -s column1.txt column2.txt | grep -F '<' | cut -f1 -d"<" > c12diff.txt