我在我的 Galaxy Tab 上看到一个 Android 应用程序(1024*600),它的固定分辨率为 800*480。
如何将我的应用程序的分辨率固定为 800*480?
I saw one android app my galaxy tab(1024*600), it has fixed resolution 800*480.
How to fix my app's resolution like 800*480?
my client wants to fix app resolution..
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对于所有不支持的分辨率(例如 1024x600),您可以在布局 xml 中将布局宽度和高度显式定义为 800*480。
res/layout/my_layout.xml // 正常屏幕尺寸的布局(“默认”)
res/layout-small/my_layout.xml // 小屏幕尺寸的布局
res/layout-large/my_layout。 xml // 大屏幕尺寸的布局
res/layout-xlarge/my_layout.xml // 超大屏幕尺寸的布局
res/layout-xlarge-land/my_layout.xml // 横向超大尺寸的布局
res/drawable-mdpi/my_icon.png // 中等密度的位图
res/drawable-hdpi/my_icon.png // 高密度的位图
res/drawable-xhdpi/my_icon.png // 超高密度的位图
如果是 3.2或更高版本,您也可以为平板电脑定义布局文件:
res/layout/main_activity.xml # 对于手机(小于 600dp 可用宽度)
res/layout-sw600dp/main_activity.xml # 对于 7 英寸平板电脑(600dp 宽和更大)
res/layout-sw720dp/main_activity.xml # 对于 10 英寸平板电脑(720dp 宽和更大)
You can explicitly define your layout width and height in layout xmls to be 800*480 for all the un-supported resolutions like 1024x600.
A list of sample layout folders:
res/layout/my_layout.xml // layout for normal screen size ("default")
res/layout-small/my_layout.xml // layout for small screen size
res/layout-large/my_layout.xml // layout for large screen size
res/layout-xlarge/my_layout.xml // layout for extra large screen size
res/layout-xlarge-land/my_layout.xml // layout for extra large in landscape orientation
res/drawable-mdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for medium density
res/drawable-hdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for high density
res/drawable-xhdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for extra high density
In case of 3.2 or later, you can define layout files for tablets as well:
res/layout/main_activity.xml # For handsets (smaller than 600dp available width)
res/layout-sw600dp/main_activity.xml # For 7” tablets (600dp wide and bigger)
res/layout-sw720dp/main_activity.xml # For 10” tablets (720dp wide and bigger)
I don't recommend fix your width and height to a specific value but since it's client request, I guess you have to take it.
或者您可以将目标 sdk 版本设置为 1.5 或 1.6。我还没有真正尝试过,但我在某处读到这样做会限制应用程序以较低的分辨率显示。
Or you could set target sdk version to 1.5 or 1.6. I haven't really tried it yet, but I read somewhere that doing so limits the application to be displayed in a lower resolution.