假设我有一个父存储库 myproject
和一个名为 submodule
root$ find . -not -path *.git* . ./myproject ./myproject/submodule
现在我将 submodule
root$ cd myproject myproject$ git submodule add git://url-to-submodule:submodule.git submodule Adding existing repo at 'submodule' to the index
myproject$ cd submodule submodule$ touch herpin.txt submodule$ add herpin.txt submodule$ git commit -am "i'm herpin and i'm derpin"
此时,我返回父存储库,并检查 git 状态:
submodule$ cd .. myproject$ git status # On branch master # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) # # modified: submodule (new commits) # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
如果你有一个更复杂的子模块树,它很快就会变得烦人。比方说 - 4 层深。如果我在最里面的子模块进行更改,我必须提交它的父模块、祖父母、曾祖父母和曾曾父母。那是一种令人毛骨悚然的痛苦——。
一定有更好的办法! (不,不嵌套这么多级别不是一个选项。:/ 这不是我的调用...)是否有一种方法可以让 git-commit 通知父存储库提交?
Let's say I have a parent repo myproject
, and a separate repo called submodule
, with the directory structure that's the following:
root$ find . -not -path *.git* . ./myproject ./myproject/submodule
Now I add submodule
as a submodule to myproject
root$ cd myproject myproject$ git submodule add git://url-to-submodule:submodule.git submodule Adding existing repo at 'submodule' to the index
Now, let's say i change something to submodule
myproject$ cd submodule submodule$ touch herpin.txt submodule$ add herpin.txt submodule$ git commit -am "i'm herpin and i'm derpin"
At this point, I go back to the parent repository, and check the git status:
submodule$ cd .. myproject$ git status # On branch master # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) # # modified: submodule (new commits) # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Well, damn it -- now each time I commit something in submodule, I also have to commit the parent.
It gets annoying pretty quickly if you have a more complex submodule tree. Let's say -- 4-levels deep. If I make a change at the inner-most submodule, I have to commit its parent, its grandparent, its great-grandparent, and its great-great-parent. That's a freaking pain in the ---.
There must be a better way! (And no, not nesting so many levels isn't an option. :/ That's not my call to make ...) Isn't there a way where git-commit can notify the parent repositories of the commit?
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不要在根模块上使用 git status,而在子模块上使用它。
Committing to a submodule should be treated like committing to another external library / repository.
Don't use git status on the root, use it on the submodule.
No you don't need to commit the changes in the container, you only need to commit them from within the sub module.
You can then make several changes, roll back, keep the submodule on a stable branch etc, and then only update the parent container to a stable version of the submodule.
Updating a submodule reference shouldn't be done constantly, and should only really swing between compatible versions, otherwise you will have a ton of 'bump' commits in a row that's just updating the sub module as you found out.
So in short, do your work in a submodule, commit, do more work in a submodule commit. Then once done, update the submodule reference to either the new version by committing the container, or rolling back the submodule to the last stable version, leaving the commits for future dev work.
cd 子模块
。git stash
git pull;
git checkout
git stash pop
git add
,git commit
git Push <远程名称>; <分支名称>
文件以使用包含更新子模块的提交,也可以放弃并继续使用旧的且未更新的子模块。但是,如果您放弃并运行 git submodule update --remote ,它将提取旧的未更新分支,因此您可能需要在主项目中提交此 .gitmodules 文件以及。这是 Pro Git 书中关于它的一章: https://git -scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules
When you make changes to the submodule, you can push your uncommited changes to the remote repository without touching your parent projects as following:
cd submodule
.git stash
git pull <remotename> <branchname>
git checkout <branchname>
git stash pop
git add
,git commit
git push <remotename> <branchname>
.Now you have commited changes in your submodule locally and pushed them to your remote repository. In your main project
should be updated and point to the last commit you made in your submodule directory. Now it's your choice to either commit your.gitmodules
file to use a commit with updated submodule, or you can discard and continue using old and not updated submodule. But if you discard and rungit submodule update --remote
, it will pull that old not updated branch, so you probably want to commit this.gitmodules
file in your main project as well.Here's a chapter about it from the Pro Git book: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules