是否可以根据 Mustache 中的哈希值切换模板部分?
好的,所以我正在尝试掌握 Mustache.js 以在 javascript 中渲染视图。我有一个 API,它返回多个“事件”,这些“事件”可以是多种不同类型。我想根据事件的类型以(非常)不同的方式呈现事件:
data : {
events: [ {title: 'hello', type: 'message'}, {title: 'world', type: 'image'} ] }
<div class="message">{{title}}</div>
data : {
events: [ {message: {title: 'hello'}}, {image: {title: 'world'}} ] }
Ok, so I'm trying to get a grip on Mustache.js for rendering views in javascript. I have an API that returns a number of "events", which can be a number of different types. I want to render the events in (very) different ways, based on their type:
data : {
events: [ {title: 'hello', type: 'message'}, {title: 'world', type: 'image'} ] }
Ideally, I could do something like this:
<div class="message">{{title}}</div>
But that would (right?) force me to refactor my data into:
data : {
events: [ {message: {title: 'hello'}}, {image: {title: 'world'}} ] }
Is there a better way of solving this, without refactoring my data? Or should I just bite the bullet?
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Mustache 缺乏逻辑,因此除了切换到 Handlebars。
您的 Mustache 友好替代方案是声明一个助手并使用它来选择要呈现的模板。它变得有点复杂,但如果这是您无法更改的内容,您可以避免从 Mustache 切换:
作为一个帮手。该助手将再次调用 Mustache.render,使用部分来渲染您可以拥有的每种类型的事件(即 {{>partial}} 表示法)。这里唯一难看的部分是您需要将此
成员添加到您的 JSON 数据中,但除此之外,一切都应该没问题(在 Handlebars 中,您可以将其声明为助手,不需要将其与您的数据合并)。Mustache is logic-less so there's not much you can do with pure template code other than switching to Handlebars.
Your Mustache-friendly alternative would be to declare a helper and use it to select which template to render. It gets a little convoluted but you can avoid switching away from Mustache if that's something you can't change:
The trick here is that you create a base template that will be the iterator, and pass in
as a helper. That helper will in turn call Mustache.render again, using partials to render each type of event you can have (that's the {{> partial}} notation).The only ugly part here is that you need to add this
member to your JSON data, but other than that, it should all be fine (in Handlebars you could declare it as a helper and there's no need to merge it with your data).