当主线程被阻塞时,如何更新 CALayer 的内容?
AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer 的实例继续即使主线程被阻塞,也会从视频捕获流中更新其内容。是否可以使用 CALayer 的自定义子类来复制此行为?换句话说,给定原始图像数据,我们可以在主线程被阻塞时更新屏幕上显示的内容吗?
An instance of AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer continues to update its contents from the video capture stream even while the main thread is blocked. Is it possible to generally replicate this behaviour with a custom subclass of CALayer
? In other words, given raw image data, can we update what is displayed on-screen while the main thread is blocked?
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当主线程被阻塞时,您无法更新视图中的任何内容。整个 UIKit 是单线程的,并且在主事件循环上运行。视频捕获是一种特殊情况,因为它直接绘制到屏幕缓冲区,但您无法自己复制它。
此外,如果您在主线程上执行长时间运行的任务,iOS 会假设您的应用程序已崩溃并在几秒钟后终止它。
You can't update anything in the view when the main thread is blocked. The whole of UIKit is single-threaded and runs on the main event loop. Video capture is a special case because it draws directly to the screen buffer, but you won't be able to replicate it yourself.
Furthermore, if you do a long-running task on the main thread, iOS will assume your app has crashed and kill it after a few seconds anyway.
Why not perform your other task on a background thread instead? That's the standard practice.
我找到了一种在非 UI 线程上更新 UI 的方法。
I've found a way to update the UI on non-UI-Thread.
We can excute the code in any thread, and it actually changes the layer's transform even when the main thread is sleeping.
So if anyone can explain this, please feel free to concat me!