将第一个和最后一个节点对象标识符设置为 NULL 应该会导致链表内的所有节点对象立即自动垃圾回收,因为没有对包括第一个和最后一个节点在内的所有节点对象的引用。
$this->first = NULL
$this->last = NULL
我的信念是,将第一个和最后一个设置为 NULL 就足够了,PHP 会代表我们在后台进行垃圾收集。
Setting first and last node object identifier to NULL should result in instant automatic garbage collection of all node object inside a linked list because there is no reference to all node objects including first and last node.
$this->first = NULL
$this->last = NULL
Do we need to iterate over the complete linked list and unset each of the node object identifier one by one?
My belief is that setting first and last to NULL is sufficient and PHP does garbage collection in background on our behalf.
Please correct me if i am wrong.
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如果您运行 PHP <5.3.0 并且使用双向链表,则不会释放任何节点。这是因为早期的 PHP 版本仅使用引用计数 [1],无法识别循环引用。即使在单链表中,垃圾收集器也可能需要“n”遍才能释放整个列表,具体取决于所使用的确切算法(尽管我认为这不太可能)。
进一步解释一下,在双向链表中,每个节点都指向它之前和之后的节点。考虑有序节点 A、B、C。这意味着 A 被指向,B、C 被 B 指向,B 被 A 和 C 指向。因此,它们的引用计数将始终非零,除非您自己明确地取消设置节点。
对于单向链表,相同的节点 A、B、C,每个节点都由前一个节点指向,除了 A 之外,没有其他节点指向它。因此,如果删除对 A 的引用,它将被垃圾收集。然后,由于 B 不再被指向,它将被释放,依此类推。但是,假设垃圾收集器以相反或随机顺序(而不是从左到右的最佳顺序)访问列表。然后,它可能首先查看 B 并得出结论 A 仍然指向它,因此不需要释放。然后 GC 释放 A 并完成。尽管如此,更有可能的是,GC 算法会不断地收集引用计数为零的内存,直到没有更多的东西可以收集,这样就可以避免这个问题。
值得庆幸的是,从 PHP 5.3.0 开始,我们不必担心循环引用 [2]。该算法的工作原理是从根内存节点构造一棵树。任何未包含在最终树中的内容都必须是孤立的(因此仅由于循环引用而保持活动状态),因此可以被释放。所以是的,只要程序中没有其他内容指向列表中的任何节点,就可以通过删除对开始和结束的引用来释放整个列表。
[1] /manual/en/features.gc.refcounting-basics.php
If you are running PHP <5.3.0 and you are using a doubly linked list, none of the nodes will be freed. This is because earlier PHP versions only used reference counting [1], which is unable to recognize cyclic references. Even in a singly linked list, it is possible that it would take 'n' passes of the garbage collector to free the entire list, depending on the exact algorithm used (though I see this unlikely).
To explain further, in a doubly linked list, every node points to the node both before and after it. Consider the ordered nodes A, B, C. This means that A is pointed to by, B, C is pointed to by B, and B is pointed to by A and C. Therefore, their references counts will always be non-zero unless you explicitly unset the nodes yourself.
With the singly linked list, and the same nodes A, B, C, each node is pointed to by the one previous, except A, which is pointed to by no other node. Therefore, if you remove the reference to A, it will be garbage collected. Then, since B no longer is pointed to, it will be freed, and so-on down the list. However, say the garbage collector visits the list in reverse or random order (rather than the optimal left to right). Then, it may look at B first and conclude A still points to it, and therefore does not need freeing. Then the GC frees A and is done. Although, it is more likely that the GC algorithm continually collects memory with zero reference counts until there is nothing more to collect, which would avoid this problem.
Thankfully, as of PHP 5.3.0, we don't have to worry about the cyclic references [2]. This algorithm works by constructing a tree from the root memory node. Anything not included in the final tree must have been orphaned (and consequently is only being kept alive because of a cyclic reference), and therefore can be freed. So yes, as long as nothing else in your program points to any node in your list, the entire list will be freed by removing the references to the start and end.
Note that the algorithm to free orphaned cyclic references is more expensive than the simple reference counting. Explicit freeing code may or may not be beneficial. Careful benchmarking will have to be done to find this.
有时我会遇到 PHP 垃圾收集过程的问题。
对于链表,我添加了 2 个特殊节点,其工作方式类似于您的“第一个”和“第一个”。 “最后的”,
Sometimes I have issues with the PHP garbage collection process.
You could made a work-around for this stuff, in the implementation of the linked list.
Each time you create a data structure, create it as a local variable in a function,
NOT globally. Later, assigned in other part of code, where you are going to use it.
If you assign a variable directly, you may have a copy to the same reference,
instead of a new structure with same data.
I suggest to implement the "List" structure as an indepedent structure,
not just a pointer to the first or last node.
In the case of linked lists, I add 2 special nodes, that work like your "first" & "last",
that doesn't store any data, and are never removed, except when the whole linked list,
is going to be deleted. When the list is empty, they are linked to each other,
when real data nodes are added, they are set in betweewn those nodes.
When you remove the node that is first, you don't delete the special "first" node marker, but, the node that is after the special "first" marker.
When you remove the node that is last, you don't delete the special "last" node marker, but, the node that is before the special "last" marker.
And a visual representation could be like this: