Fortunately, there are free PHP testers which let us evaluate this type of code without putting our server at risk. would be one example, and putting the linked code in there, and progressively de-obfuscating it reveals some suspicious behavior. I doubt this is a wordpress theme's functions.php file.
If anyone gets curious and feels like de-obfuscating further to see what this really is, here is my progress, which breaks down when it tries to start reading files, which is blocked by Those offending lines are commented out below.
幸运的是,有免费的 PHP 测试器,可以让我们评估此类代码,而不会让我们的服务器面临风险。 就是一个例子,将链接的代码放在那里,并逐步反混淆它揭示了一些可疑的行为。我怀疑这是一个 WordPress 主题的functions.php 文件。
如果有人好奇并想进一步反混淆以了解这到底是什么,这是我的进度,当它尝试开始读取被 阻止的文件时,它会崩溃。这些有问题的行已在下面注释掉。
Fortunately, there are free PHP testers which let us evaluate this type of code without putting our server at risk. would be one example, and putting the linked code in there, and progressively de-obfuscating it reveals some suspicious behavior. I doubt this is a wordpress theme's functions.php file.
If anyone gets curious and feels like de-obfuscating further to see what this really is, here is my progress, which breaks down when it tries to start reading files, which is blocked by Those offending lines are commented out below.