当我访问 http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ 并单击新闻源(我/主页)链接,使用该访问令牌,我可以看到我的整个流,包括视频。
但是,当我从我的应用程序中获取流(me/home)时,它会向我显示整个流,除了 type:video 的流。我也在图形浏览器中尝试过,并且遇到了完全相同的问题。在我的应用程序中,我尝试启用权限,包括user_status、user_videos、user_photo_video_tags、friends_status、friends_videos、friends_photo_video_tags、read_stream和offline_access。这些都没有帮助。
我什至尝试打开每一个权限,但没有帮助。 (如果我只想获得自己的视频 - 我/帖子 - 效果很好。)
我也尝试过 FQL,虽然我是初学者,但它似乎也有同样的问题。
那么,其他人可以看到我/家里的视频吗?我错过了一些明显的东西吗?或者这是一个脸书错误? (我在他们的错误数据库中找不到这个)。
I'm trying to get all of the videos of my stream.
When I go to http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ and click on the news feed (me/home) link, using that access token, I see my entire stream, including videos.
However, when I fetch the stream (me/home) from my app, it shows me the entire stream except the ones with type:video. I also tried it in the graph explorer and I have the exact same problem there. In my app, I've tried enabling permissions including user_status, user_videos, user_photo_video_tags, friends_status, friends_videos, friends_photo_video_tags, read_stream, and offline_access. None of these help.
I even tried turning on every single permission and it doesn't help. (If I just want to get my own videos--me/posts--that works fine.)
I also tried FQL and, while I'm a beginner at that, it seems to have the same problem.
So, can others see videos in me/home? Am I missing something obvious? Or is it a facebook bug? (I couldn't find that in their bug DB).
Thank you.
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Appears to be a bug. You should go there and mark that you can validate it. Also subscribe to the bug so you know when it get's fixed.