我已经下载了最新版本的 Xcode 和 iOS SDK:
iOS 5.1 beta 3 和 Xcode 4.3 Developer Preview with iOS 5.1 SDK beta 3。
当我检查 Xcode 有关版本时,会显示以下信息:
Xcode 4.2.1 (834) (4D502) iphone OS: 5.0 (9A334)
I've downloaded latest version of Xcode and iOS SDK:
iOS 5.1 beta 3 and Xcode 4.3 Developer Preview with iOS 5.1 SDK beta 3.
When I check the Xcode about version following information is displayed:
Xcode 4.2.1 (834) (4D502)
iphone OS: 5.0 (9A334)
I'm not sure whether I face any problems or not when I submit my app with beta software. If so what's the best procedure here? revert back to production version and develop the app?
Thanks in advance,
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无论如何,您都无法提交由 Xcode 测试版构建的应用程序。
这可能是因为 Apple 改变了分发 Xcode 的方式。 Beta 版本 (4.3) 是应用程序目录中的一个应用程序。但稳定版本(4.2)位于/Developer。
甚至看起来您一直不小心使用了稳定版本 ^^
对于未来:如果您想提交应用程序,请确保保持稳定的 Xcode。
You can't submit apps built by a beta version of Xcode anyway.
But you are still using the stable version (4.2.1).
That's probably because Apple changed the way they distribute Xcode. The beta version (4.3) is a single app in your application directory. But the stable version (4.2) is located in /Developer.
So the beta version could not overwrite the stable version because they are stored in different places.
Since you still have the stable version there is no need to revert anything.
It even looks like you accidentally used the stable version all the time ^^
For the future: Make sure to keep the stable Xcode if you want to submit apps.