使用尽可能少的代码从 Articulate(问题/答案)获取 SCORM 数据?
我只想从清晰的测验中获取问题并回答价值观。实际上我只需要 {"question1":"value","question2":["values","values"]}
我不不关心任何其他事情。我不想构建/安装一个成熟的 lms 来从清晰的测验中获取 5 个问题的值。是否有任何东西可以从 Articulate 文件中获取跟踪数据,而无需成为成熟的 LMS?
任何帮助将不胜感激。我可以发布到 Scorm 1.2 或 2004,这对我来说并不重要。
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如果您发布到 SCORM,您可以创建一个假的 SCORM API(JavaScript 对象)并拦截从课程发送到 SCORM API 的值(通过 cmi.interactions)。 Claude Ostyn 的 SCORM 测试包 是构建假 SCORM 的一个很好的起点API,如果需要的话。克劳德几年前去世了,所以他的档案不包含任何支持。
如果只是想一次性提取问题和答案,那就困难多了。旧版本的 Articulate Quizmaker 将测验数据存储在外部 XML 文件中,可以通过脚本访问并解析该文件。显然,这不是很安全,因此 Quizmaker '09 开始将测验数据存储在 SWF 中。这意味着任何数据提取都需要通过 JavaScript 或 ActionScript 访问 SWF。 JavaScript 交互不受官方支持,如果您想使用 ActionScript,您需要需要构建一个包含 ActionScript 的自定义 SWF,然后在发布之前将其导入到演示文稿中。
无论您采取哪种方式,都会涉及很多代码。 :)
If you publish to SCORM you can create a fake SCORM API (JavaScript object) and intercept the values as they're sent from the course to the SCORM API (via cmi.interactions). Claude Ostyn's SCORM Test Wrap is a great starting point for building a fake SCORM API, if needed. Claude passed away a few years ago, so his files don't include any support.
If you just want to perform a one-time extraction of the questions and answers, it's much more difficult. Older versions of Articulate Quizmaker stored the quiz data in external XML files, which could be accessed via a script and parsed. Obviously, that isn't very secure, so Quizmaker '09 started storing the quiz data inside the SWF. This means any data extraction will require access to the SWF via either JavaScript or ActionScript. JavaScript interaction is not officially supported, and if you want to use ActionScript you'd need to build a custom SWF that contains your ActionScript, then import it into the presentation before it's published.
Regardless of the path you take, much code will be involved. :)
我去年创建了这个,它是开源的,可以使用 PHP 或 ASP(ASP 版本更完整,因为这是我们内部使用的)
I created this last year, it's open source, and can use PHP or ASP (the ASP version is more complete since that is what we use internally)