As long as you comply with the clauses here (in particular clause C), you should be able to bundle the complete JavaFX runtime for a given target operating system (jar, readmes, licenses and native code) with your application.
Indeed, in a discussion on JavaFX deployment options, Richard Bair, head of Java Client development at Oracle noted that [in many contexts] "The solution I like best is one where you co-bundle Java + FX with your application as a single executable." Though, as JavaFX 2.0.2 has it's own installer, this single executable bundling option might only be available in later releases.
If you have specific questions or concerns you should contact Oracle directly to make sure that your proposed usage of the software and distribution method will conform to the license agreement.
只要您遵守此处的条款(在特别是条款 C) 中,您应该能够将给定目标操作系统的完整 JavaFX 运行时(jar、自述文件、许可证和本机代码)与您的应用程序捆绑在一起。
事实上,在关于 JavaFX 部署选项的讨论中,Oracle Java 客户端开发主管 Richard Bair 指出[在许多情况下]“我最喜欢的解决方案是将 Java + FX 与您的应用程序共同捆绑为单个可执行文件。”不过,由于 JavaFX 2.0.2 有自己的安装程序,因此这个单一可执行捆绑选项可能仅在以后的版本中可用。
如果您有具体问题或疑虑,您应该直接联系 Oracle,以确保您建议的软件使用和分发方法符合许可协议。
As long as you comply with the clauses here (in particular clause C), you should be able to bundle the complete JavaFX runtime for a given target operating system (jar, readmes, licenses and native code) with your application.
Indeed, in a discussion on JavaFX deployment options, Richard Bair, head of Java Client development at Oracle noted that [in many contexts] "The solution I like best is one where you co-bundle Java + FX with your application as a single executable." Though, as JavaFX 2.0.2 has it's own installer, this single executable bundling option might only be available in later releases.
If you have specific questions or concerns you should contact Oracle directly to make sure that your proposed usage of the software and distribution method will conform to the license agreement.
您需要注意的一件事是,从 Java 7 Update 4 开始,JDK 将自动捆绑 JavaFX。
因此,您应该小心确保系统 JavaFX 库与 7u4 之后的 JDK 上的捆绑库之间不会发生冲突。
One thing that you need to be aware of is that from Java 7 Update 4 then the JDK will ship with JavaFX bundled automatically.
So you should be careful to make sure that there won't be clashes between the system JavaFX libs and your bundled ones on JDKs later that 7u4.