如何在MS-Access中执行三角函数Arc Cos(Excel中的ACOS())?
我有一个 Excel 公式,需要将其放入 MS-Access 查询中。不幸的是,反余弦函数似乎并不属于 Access 的功能。所以在Excel中,公式的一部分是ACOS(很多东西)。所以我的问题是如何在 MS-Access 中实现 ACOS() Excel 函数?
注意:如果有人想知道或者由于某些奇怪的原因它实际上很重要,下面是 Excel 中显示的完整方程式:
=(ACOS(SIN(弧度(AX2))*SIN(弧度(AZ2))+COS(弧度(AX2))*COS(弧度(AZ2))*COS(弧度(AY2)-弧度(BA2) ))*6367)*0.621
列 AX 和 AZ 保存纬度,AY 和 BA 保存经度,该方程得到两点之间的距离(以英里为单位)。在有人提出这个问题之前,我就知道 Access 没有 Radians 函数。我已经用等效操作替换了它。当然,我已将列引用从 Excel 更改为相应的 Access 字段引用。
I have an excel formula that I need to put into an MS-Access query. Unfortunately, an Arc Cosine function does not seem to be part of Access's repertoire. So in Excel, part of the formula is ACOS(Lots of stuff). So my question is how can I achieve an ACOS() Excelfunction in MS-Access?
Note: In case anyone is wondering or in case it actually matters for some odd reason, here is the full equation as it appears in Excel:
Columns AX and AZ hold latitudes and AY and BA hold longitudes and this equation gets the distance in miles between the two points. And before anyone brings it up I am aware that Access doesn't have Radians function. I have already replaced it with an equivalent operation. I of course have changed the column references from Excel to the appropriate Access field references.
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我找到了两种方法来做到这一点。第一个,也是我使用的,是对 ACOS() 函数使用等效的三角恒等式:
I have found two ways to do this. The first, and the one I used, is to use an equivalent trig identity for the ACOS() function:
This results in a rather long equation for me but it works and does not appear take very long to run. The other solution I have read about (but not tested) is to create a