X11 全屏窗口 (OpenGL)
我正在使用 Xlib (X11) 在 Linux (Ubuntu 11.10) 上编写 OpenGL 应用程序。实现窗口模式和全屏模式之间切换的最简单方法是什么?
I'm writing and OpenGL application on linux (Ubuntu 11.10) using Xlib (X11). What is the simplest way to implement toggle between windowed and fullscreen mode?
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这是Havoc P 建议的实现,以节省下一个人的精力:
Here's an implementation of what Havoc P suggested, to save the next person the effort:
在协议级别,请参阅 _NET_WM_STATE 属性以及随附的客户端消息和全屏状态标志。这是 EWMH 规范中指定的。为了获得奖励积分,如果 WM 没有报告对官方提示的支持,您可能需要手动实现全屏,EWMH 规范了一种检查支持内容的方法。您可能还想抓住鼠标指针和/或
或者,为了避免学习低级别的 X Gunge,只需使用 SDL 或 GTK 或 Qt 或其他东西,它们都应该有一个简单的方法调用来切换全屏。
on the protocol level, see the _NET_WM_STATE property with accompanying client message and the fullscreen state flag. this is specified in the EWMH spec. for bonus points you may want to manually implement fullscreen if the WM does not report support for the official hint, EWMH specs a way to check what is supported. You may also want to grab the mouse pointer and/or
keyboard if you don't want people to accidentally leave fullscreen.
or, to avoid learning low level X gunge, just use SDL or GTK or Qt or something and they should all have a simple method call to toggle fullscreen.