我正在解析 .PSD 文件中的字体名称,这些文件是在 OS X 和 Windows 计算机上创建的。
我需要将这些字体名称转换为 Windows GDI+ 上最接近的对应字体名称。
TimesNewRomanPSMT -> Times New Roman
TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT -> Times New Roman, Bold
TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT -> Times New Roman, Bold, Italic
Adobe 有一个 1997 表,但对于 Win95 以后的任何内容都是不正确的。
Ghostscript 有一个字体名称表,但它只涵盖了大约十几个窗口映射。
对 Windows 字体的内省分析将提供一个部分表,但它也太慢了 - 这种 PSD 解析和重新渲染是在 HTTP 请求中发生的。我可以静态生成它,但它会增加管理开销,因为它在应用程序启动时运行的时间太长,并且需要手动完成。
这是针对 PsdComposer 插件 的 http://imageresizing.net/
I'm looking for a statically generated, many-to-many, table of font names.
I'm parsing font names from .PSD files, which are created on both OS X and Windows computers.
I need to translate these font names into their closest counterparts on Windows GDI+.
A few example conversions I would need:
TimesNewRomanPSMT -> Times New Roman
TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT -> Times New Roman, Bold
TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT -> Times New Roman, Bold, Italic
Adobe has a 1997 table for Adobe fonts, but it's incorrect for anything past Win95.
Ghostscript has a table of font names, but it only covers about a dozen windows mappings.
Is this kind of database available anywhere?
Introspective analysis of the windows fonts would provide a partial table, but it would also be far too slow - this PSD parsing and re-rendering is happening in an HTTP request. I could statically generate it, bit it would add administrative overhead since it's too long to run at app startup, and would need to be done manually.
I was hoping that this kind of mapping table has already been created collaboratively somewhere.
This is for the PsdComposer plugin on http://imageresizing.net/